28. Beyond all Expectation

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The dress is heavy, like it is lined with lead weights keeping me grounded and unable to escape. Not that I would escape, I have not the slightest inclination to run away. This is the inevitable next step in my journey, and I am ready. However, faced with it now, it all seems rather daunting. To walk the short distance to the King's throne, which now seems like a mile long, and receive my title-

I will be Clara,' Princess Consort of Greenwood.'

It seems ridiculous for someone as ordinary as me to hold such a title, but here I am, married to a sovereign Prince and commanding the attention of every noble lord and lady of the elven world. There are very few words I have to describe this moment, but, honoured, excited, and incredibly nauseous would be ones that come to mind straight away. This is huge and this moment is defining of everything that I have struggled through to get here. I did it! I succeeded in turning my pathetic self around and growing up. That was never more apparent than when I donned this regal gown and beheld my reflection for the last time; as just Clara.

The gown Gilron created for me is stunning, made of thick luxurious silks and velvets. The skirts, the sleeves, and the bodice are a forest green, to honour the colour of my King's house. However, the long trailing sleeves are embroidered in the finest gold and silver stitching, almost like mini tapestries sown to my gown, depicting the woods in the exquisite fabric. Unlike most dresses that I have been accustomed to wearing, this one is very structured and heavy. The bodice is cinched in tight and a weighted bronze belt, with links shaped like flowers, sits snugly on my waist. The dress is high collared, and the stiff fabric that lines this is of the same tapestry-like patterns of my sleeves. To extenuate the collar and my neck, I requested one thing from Gilron; I asked her to allow me to twine my hair so that it would all be pinned up, which she aided me to do. I remembered a picture book from my childhood, that depicted strong Celtic ladies, and part of me wanted to hold onto my heritage for today, even if just I knew the reasoning behind it. Besides, if I have to wear a crown then I may at least show it off.

But through all the layers of material, powder and delicate preening, I saw something else in my reflection. For once, I saw a woman with confidence, with her head held high in the self-assuring knowledge that she was capable of commanding her own life. So many times I have seen a beautiful young elleth with wide overwhelmed eyes and an uncertain posture. I am glad to see the improvements, I am pleased to see she has eventually grown, and I absently wondered what the years will bring and what other changes I will see in the mirror. At least now I can look in the mirror and find the figure familiar.

Now, I stand before the nobles of Greenwood and our observing foreign guests, dressed in this finery and doing my best to practice a composed and sombre look. The singers begin their entrancing melodic chorus, sharing their happiness at their chosen Princess, a gift from the faraway stars. I take a settling breath and straighten my posture, Gilron's nagging voice in my head, reiterating the importance of regal stance. This is my cue, my entrance... I hope I don't trip!

Oropher rises from his beautifully ornate throne, as I glide as effortlessly looking as I can towards him. Before I reach the steps, I chance a peek to his right, it is probably inappropriate, but I need the assurance of a familiar face. Thranduil stands, just like everyone else does, when Oropher rises. He is very talented at keeping an expressionless face, he stares straight ahead and holds himself in the manner of royalty; so straight, so strong, and so very sure. I wonder for a minute will he actually acknowledge me or will he remain as he should. I waver for a moment, and then catch the slightest movement in his eyes as he casts his gaze over me. The tiniest twitch his lip gives away his joy and I suddenly feel a very intense pride and confidence surround my uncertain spirit, as our fledgling bond helps us to commune in these serious affairs.

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