19. Skeletons

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I am aware of pressure on my cheek and that is the sensation that pulls me from peaceful nothingness. Absently I stretch and register I am wound up in soft blankets and my head rests on plump overstuffed pillows. I squeeze my eyes shut against the glaring brightness, groaning in complaint as I bury my face into my upper arm.

Oh I am so comfortable I do not want to wake up, I want to sink back into the many layers of blissful sleep and stay that way for hours. My elven mind is having other ideas though, and as soon as I have registered that it is morning then there is no shutting off for my overactive brain. It takes only one thought - Legolas - and my eyes are wide open alert and orientated. Yet before I can register anything else there is another light pressure to my cheek, only this time I register it as fingertips as they move flyaway strands of my unruly hair from my face.

"Mara tuile Mell nin."/"Good morning my beloved."

I wide smile spreads across my face at the sound of his low voice, that is sweeter than any melody I have ever known. Sometimes I absently wonder how I got so damn lucky, how plain old me could attract someone so powerful and entrancing. I roll onto my back and peer up at the very serene and very relaxed face of my prince, all remnants of last night's agonizing revelations have completely disappeared from his expression and he is just my Thranduil.

"Nin lithiach,"/"You enchant me," I reply in a very husky morning voice, as I prop myself up on my elbows and lazily kiss him. For a solid five minutes I am completely distracted by his lips, and his hypnotic gaze, and how he can reduce me to a quivering gooey mess with his intoxicating presence. I mean, it is truly not fair at all, all he has to do is give me the tiniest hint of a smile and I am putty in his very experienced hands.

"What did I do to deserve such a greeting?" Thranduil laughs rather seductively, or maybe I am just construing every little sound and look as a flirtatious gesture.

I shrug and give him a playful grin as I sit myself up on the bed. Longingly I stroke the dark green velvet of his luxurious robes where they rest on his muscular chest. I keep my gaze focused on my hands as I trail them upwards to catch his collar, and I register his even breathing hitch a little;

"Where is Legolas?" I ask suddenly, my eyes drifting to his. I am aware that I am now in my apartment and he is not where I left him?

"With his Grandfather," Thranduil answers softly and an amused smile lights his eyes; "He grew impatient when you would not awaken."

I stifle a chuckle and return to playing with the collar of his robe. Thranduil is dressed very business-like and I assume this must be the start of the talks with the other elven rulers. It is not very often he wears anything to signify his position as nobility, but today he is wearing an understated circlet. I will admit I am swooning a little; he should dress up more often for me and he would get more morning welcomes like this.

"I came to wake you," he murmurs quietly and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand; "Adar and I must go to the council soon, though I can leave Legolas with Aradan for a while if you are still weary."

"No I am fine," I sigh contentedly and lazily stretch to prove my point; "You should have wakened me sooner, I never sleep in!"

"You looked so peaceful I could not bring myself to do it." Thranduil admits with a sheepish grin and leans into me, asking permission for another kiss but I stall him for a moment.

"How soon do you have to be at that meeting?" I purr and tug roughly on his collar bringing him closer to me. I stifle a laugh when Thranduil glances at the doorway his expression one of complete indecision, so I reword my question; "How long do you think it will take before they figure out you're missing?" And just for added effect I untangle my right leg and wrap it around him, in my vain attempt to keep him prisoner.

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