20. The Vivified

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Ten long days have passed and as much as I have thoroughly enjoyed the company of these fine elves - give or take a few unsavoury characters - I am so ready to go home. I have noticed that the sparkly newness of Imladris has worn off, and I miss the woods, I crave the wild, everything is far too structured here. Thranduil is restless too, he acts very much like a caged animal, restricted and cut off from his natural world. The constant barrage of talks and council meetings are wearing him down, and I don't think he'll be able to hold his patience for much longer.

There is most definitely a massive cultural divide between the Noldor elves and the Sindar, but there is an even bigger gap between Oropher's kind and the rest of the elven races. This is never more apparent than in his son, were Oropher has the ability to mix if he wishes, Thranduil either does not want to or does not know how to. Thranduil is odd but unfortunately so am I so I really can't help him in that arena. This morning Oropher was crashing about the corridors looking for his suddenly AWOL son and growing ever more agitated by his absence. Although I figured it out quite quickly, because when everything just gets a little too heavy for Thranduil he disappears and it doesn't take a genius to figure out where he goes.

I followed my instincts or rather I went against them. I found the highest and most awkward positioned set of rocks that where obscured by a rather turbulent trio of waterfalls, and I scaled them. At the top, on the most perilous ledge, I found him. Apparently he was meditating, which was ridiculous considering the thunderous noise the falls made. I eventually coaxed him down with the promise I would help him ditch the first set of morning talks. Instead we took a stroll in the gardens sans Legolas, who Aradan had graciously agreed to watch, because I felt Thranduil needed a moment. He confessed to feeling crowded and felt other elven captains wanted him to take a more militarily minded stance to the content of the council.

From what I gather the enemy is contained but Gil galad does not believe that will be a long standing arrangement. Eventually the elves will need to consider war, or more they will need to consider joining with men in battle. Now I know the tales Tolkien told but for the purposes of not appearing like a psychic I acted dumb to what I was being told. However one name sent chills up my spine - Sauron - the very thought made my blood run cold. So Sauron will mostly likely attack the realms of men first and Gil galad is not prepared to leave them defenceless. Oropher however, is quite happy to remain neutral, and Thranduil really can't wrap his head around another set of vicious wars. I personally feel conflicted, as much as I believe Greenwood should take a stance against evil and honour the elven alliances with men; things are a little personal now. These elves have become my family; I have helped bring little elflings into the world and nursed wounded soldiers back to health. I can't bring myself to consider putting unnecessary lives at risk or causing heartache. But to even think of Thranduil going to war sends me into a panic. My head is telling me that it is inevitable, I have read the stories, but my heart is not prepared to believe it.

However these meetings among rulers and generals are literally only to establish a contingency plan. A sort of worst case scenario action plan, there is no actual threat at the moment but elves are always forward planners. Over a week of arguing has done nothing but further divide opinions, and as of yet Oropher has not relented in his position to remain neutral. This has caused Celeborn a great deal of grief, apparently these two go way back and despite appearances they are actually quite friendly, but alas their bickering has intensified. Celeborn in turn has appealed to Thranduil's military mind in order to talk some sense into his father, but Thranduil is not willing to enter into negotiations.

During our walk he tells me he just wants to be at peace for a while, if there is no threat of immediate war then he wants to take advantage of this period of quietness. He wants to go home, build up the defences of the realm, and work on his own recovery for he knows he isn't ready for the intensity of battle just yet. I have to say I am very much relieved at his decision and I actively encourage him to stick with his instincts.

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