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Note: Everything that the boys say in this story is completely fictional, the boys do not hate the fans, they love us to pieces, always have and always will, and you can see it every day. Everyone in the 5SOS Fam is beautiful, you're all amazing and unique and you should never forget that. Maybe, you won't find a prince charming but I can assure you that some dork in skinny jeans will be all you need, (No. not Luke another dork in skinny jeans). If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you, I always will be, doesn't matter if we've spoken before or not.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

Taking a seat at Starbucks, and sipping my Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino, I watched him walk in, he was with his band, typical. I knew they would be coming. I knew more about them, then they did about themselves. My eyes wandered around the room, every seat was taken, I had purposely taken up a big area to myself, and I knew they would come over here. Once they had ordered their drink, they glanced at all of the full tables, it was the curly haired one that spotted me, he pointed in my direction, the rest of them nodded, and followed him as he made his way over to me.

"I'm Ashton Irwin" He said that as if I had to know who he was, obviously I did, but that didn't give him the right to act like he owned the place. What? I thought, No hello? I knew he was bad with girls, but I didn't think he was that bad.

"Pleasure" I replied sarcastically.

He smirked, "Sassy, I like it, babe-"

"It's Bella" I interrupted him.

"Babe" He replied completely disregarding what I said, "Would you mind if my band and I joined you?" He made it sound like a question, but I knew it was a statement.

I took a deep breath, I had to use every bit of strength I had not to pound him, "Of course not" I smiled falsely, but they didn't notice. Okay Bella, I told myself, remember they like the girly girls, the ones who laugh at their jokes, the ones they can show off to all their friends. They took a seat, the brunette smiling slightly when he sat down, "So, you said you were in a band, you must be really popular, lot of fans" I said sweetly.

"It's nice having fans and all but they get annoying, always stalking us, and some of them aren't even pretty, but we have to be nice to them" The one with a lip ring groaned.

"They're not that bad, we just don't like not having privacy" The tan one said.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Michael, that's Calum and Luke" Michael introduced them, I nodded, however I was already aware of who they were.

"I'm Bella" I replied, just in case they missed it before.

"Nice to meet you" The boy with the jet black hair smiled. After this brief introduction I had come to the conclusion that Luke and Ashton were the stereotypical, rock stars, who only cares about the fame and fortune, and Calum and Michael were still down to earth. There was also the possibility that these were just façade that they put up when they were out in public.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard a girl squeal, "You're 5 Seconds of Summer, wow, okay can I get a picture and can you follow me on Twitter it's @foreverlrh because Luke's my favourite but I love all of you" She continued on rambling, but I shifted my attention from the obsessive fan to Calum, who was whispering in my ear.

"Sorry about this, we'll just take a picture and then we can continue talking to you" I nodded, and offered to take the picture.

The girl grinned as I took the photo, Michael continued talking to her, and Luke tried to be nice but Ashton and Calum had other plans.

Calum came back over to me, as promised, but Ashton just walked out of Starbucks, "Where is he going?" I asked Calum.

"Don't worry, he'll be back, probably just going to get some air, he doesn't do well in small spaces and when fans come up to us he gets really claustrophobic" I nodded, not 100% believing his story but still trying to keep up my good girl cover.

Ashton walked back inside and mumbled something to Luke about writing, they both left, as they were walking out I noticed Ashton's head turn back to me, I smiled dreamily, fake of course, but Ashton didn't need to know that, he smirked before following Luke out. What a self-conceited asshole, I thought to myself.

"Tell us about you Bella" Calum said.

I looked at him, "What do you want to know?" It was important, that I didn't give away too much information, it might be remembered and used later on, and I could not have that.

"Well, all we know about you is your name, and what you look like" Michael says.

"Well I'm 20, I'm from here in London, but my dad lives in Sydney now, my parents divorced when I was as 8, I prefer them living in separate country's to be honest, and I don't know what else you want to know" I shrugged.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Calum asked, earning a shove from Michael.

He shook his head disapprovingly, "Mate, you can't just ask her that, you've only just met her" Calum shrugged, and waited for my answer. I shook my head I didn't have a boyfriend that would completely defeat the purpose of my assignment.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with the two boys, we walked around the city a little bit, and it was really nice actually. I found myself really enjoying the two boys' company, Calum and I were getting really close, but I knew that we'd be nothing more than friends.

We arrived outside their hotel, well the back of the hotel, there was too many fans at the front, I went to say good bye to the boys. Hugging them both, I walked away, they both waved, I laughed, shouting, "Dorks"


I will not be updating this story till I know people will read it, I'm thinking of starting proper updates around New Years or something and I'll see what happens, in that time I'll write the next few chapters. However, if this gets a lot of attention or people show interest I might update later.

First Chapter!

What do you think about Bella? Do you think she'll be able to pull whatever she has to do off?

I'm going to work on the plan for this story tonight, and I'll see, this story won't be too long, but I have an idea of where it's heading.

This story has its cliché's but there are a couple things I am trying to change. However, I apologise in advanced for the cheesiness.

Most of my fanfics have 5SOS as assholes and I apologise but this will not be any different.

I'm sorry I just really like the idea of asshole being changed by a girl because it gives me hope that I have a chance with my crush, who's an asshole to everyone but he's also really nice to me, (Yes, I have a crush on a guy who isn't Luke Hemmings) I'm probably going to read this later and realise I was stupid for liking him, but until then.

I'll see what I can do, but because of this, the boys will probably be rude to fans but everything bad that I say about the 5SOS Fam in this is 100% incorrect, you're all amazing and beautiful and talented and I wouldn't trade you for anyone.

We're going to pretend that the boys were in London for, March and April, before ROWYSO. And that Japan was earlier :-)

I think I'll probably have these chapters get bigger as I progress through the story.

I guess that's all for now.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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