I'm here on a mission and I will not fai

We currently had a day off in Glasgow, I didn't know what to do, but I really wanted to get out of the hotel room. Ashton went somewhere, he asked me to join him but I didn't want to get in his way. I didn't want to be one of those clingy girlfriends, I wanted him to know that he could have his space when he needed it.

I walked out of the elevator and into the lobby, I saw some fans walking around, they waved and I waved back they smiled and looked as if they wanted to approach me, I pointed outside just because the boys were all upstairs and they nodded.

"Hey girls" I said walking out to greet everyone, "And boy sorry I didn't see you" I laughed, a couple fans scowled and walked away but I just ignored them. There was around thirty of so fans waiting outside the hotel.

"Ok first up does anyone have any letters or fan art or something they want delivered to the boys obviously Zop, the tour manager, will have to check it first but they will get it" I told the fans some of them gave me some and I told everyone to wait while I put them on the bench inside, I liked doing this for the fans because I understood what it felt like to have someone you look up to and to fantasise about meeting them but never getting the chance.

Over the past few weeks I had met some incredible fans of 5SOS they were all amazing, and I loved talking to them about things. Majority of the fans had gotten used to me being around, and when they saw me at concerts they would take a photo with me or we would just talk. It was odd because I'm not famous, my boyfriend is, but I guess they still wanted to know me or something.

Once I came back we all sat in a circle so that I could see everyone and also so that no one was excluded. "Ok I'll answer some questions if you want me to" Everyone nodded and surprisingly it was very organised and one person asked at the time.

A girl with pink tips asked the first question, "Who are you closet to in the band?"

"Ashton of course" I replied with a small smile.

"Which of the boys are single?" I knew that this question was coming, the girl who asked this seemed to be around my age, and wasn't wearing merch like the rest of the fans. She was wearing a tight dress, I didn't understand why she was sitting with me, but it didn't bother me at all.

"All of them except Ashton" I answered.

"Who's the best at Fifa?"

I paused, "I'm going to say Calum, but I think if Michael played a game against Cal it would be fairly even"

"Does Michael actually have an obsession with pizza?" A girl with a blue flannel and black skinny jeans on asked. It seemed that a lot of them had merch, flannels and skinny jeans on.

"Yes" I laughed, "You can get that boy to do anything with pizza"

The next fan wore an Irwin shirt, "Have you heard the songs in the second album?"

"I've heard Permanent Vacation, and the leading single, but the boys are making me wait until the rest of the songs are released"

"What song?" Another asked me.

"I can't tell you the name, but you should know soon" I told them with a wink.

"Are they always naked?" I laughed at this question, apparently these boys had a bit of a reputation.

"Not always, but I make sure I knock on the doors before entering a room"

A girl with her hair dyed the white colour asked the next question, "Who swears the most?"

"Michael, they're all pretty bad but Michael says the f-word a lot" The boys didn't watch their language, Ashton tried but he was just as bad as the rest of them.

"Muke or Cake?" Another fan asked.

"Malum" I answered with a small smirk on my face, the fans laughed at my response.

A question that I had been waiting for came up, "Favourite 5sos song?"

"It has recently become English Love Affair, and the boys always laugh at me when I listen to it"

"How did Calum end up with the bass if he's always played guitar?" I knew I had to be careful with my answer to this.

"Well, it will all be explained after the tours over, the boys are working on a project at the moment, but basically the boys just said, you suck at guitar so play the bass, and now he loves it" Hopefully I didn't give too much away.

I continued answering all there questions, pulling out my phone I decided to text someone.

Bella: How many fans would you be able to meet?

The fans had all started leaving with someone of them hearing about Michael and Luke leaving through the back, they decided to go and find them instead of waiting back here.

Calum: 20 maybe, probably 25 at the very most

Bella: There's like 15 here, could you come down?

Calum: Okay :)

I looked around, there was about fifteen fans here, and I knew they all wanted to meet the boys badly. "Hey, I've got a surprise for you all if you decide to not go crazy and just act normal" They all promised to.

Calum walked out with his hands in his pocket, I gave him a smile knowing that he only just woken up. The fans were all in shock, some of them thanking me, others walking over to Calum to talk to him. They patiently took photos with him, while keeping conversation, they asked him questions about the tour and his music and from the smile on his face in these pictures I knew they he was enjoying himself.

You could always tell Calum's mood by his face in fan photos, if they treated him like a human and not just an object he would smile and joke around with them. However, there were some fans that just shoved a phone in his face, so he didn't exactly smile in their fan photos.


Still building up, just letting everything find it's place, and explain all the backstory to you so it doesn't seem like I'm rushing this story.

These chapters are shorter than I want them to be, and I apologise for that, it's hard without a computer, I have to use my brother's and I only get a short amount of time with it.

The chapter didn't save, but I got it back (Thank you revision history). I was so scared that I would have to write it again but I don't so it's all good. I'm just going to check all of the chapters that I've written and make sure they're there and have a back up saved.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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