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I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

"There you are" Calum smiled as I made my way into their kitchen, giving him a quick hug, we've established quite a close friendship. Although that wasn't what I was meant to be doing, I was hoping it would help.

Luke and Michael we're currently attempting to make toasted sandwiches. They weren't doing too bad to be completely honest, just weren't doing particularly well. All of the boys we're meant to be given the day off today. Not that I wanted him to be here. Well I guess I sort of needed him here, but it was always less awkward when he wasn't around.

Luke smirked at my question, "What?" I laughed at the three boys who were all wiggling their eyebrows at me.

"Oh I think you know" Michael laughed, I blushed slightly.

Calum poked my pink cheeks, "Stop it" I said hitting his hand away. He laughed at me, I hit his chest. My hand came into contact with his rock hard chest, "How are you so buff?" I asked, hitting his chest again.

Calum grabbed my hand stopping me, "Bella" He sighed, "Violence is never answer"

"Violence is always the answer" I replied using my other hand to hit his chest. I knew he worked out but not that much.

"Where's Ashton?" I asked, the boys all smirked at each other.

"Where's Ashton?" I repeated. Except for that night at the club, I really hadn't spent that much time with him. I needed to try and become closer with him, but it was so difficult. I wasn't sure how I was meant to do that when he just completely shut me out. It did surprise me that he and I made out in the middle of a club, I mean we'd spoken once.

At that moment, Ashton decided to walk into the room. I turned around slowly to face him. "You can feel the sexual tension between you two" Michael said breaking the silence, the other two snickered at his comment.

Ashton faced the boys ignoring me, "I'll be in the practice room working on that new drum part" He walked out of the kitchen, it wasn't long before I heard the drums quietly.

"The practice room is half sound proof, just makes it quieter" Calum informed me almost reading my mind, I nodded.

The boys exchanged glances before nodding, "Bella, come with me, I want you to hear this cool bass riff I've been working on" I knew they were up to something but I decided to just go with it.

Following Calum, he and I approached the door to the practice room, "Isn't Ashton in there?" I asked, Calum shrugged. He could obviously tell that Ashton was in there by the sound of the drumming.

Nonetheless we walked into the practice room, Ashton had his eyes closed. It was amazing that he knew where every part of his drum kit was with his eyes shut, he lived and breathed drumming. Opening his eyes he saw us, raising an eyebrow but not missing a beat he continued to play. The beat was mesmerising in a way, although it was loud, it was nice, I could probably just sit in here all day and listen to him play.

"I thought I told you that I was in here" Ashton said looking at Calum.

Calum smiled at his best friend, "Just want to show Bella a bass riff quickly" Ashton nodded, and waited as we walked over to Calum's bass guitar. After plugging the bass into the amp he turned to me, "It's not perfect but it sounds cool, just a little off"

"Just play it" I sighed wanting to get out of that room as quickly as possible. He nodded and proceeded to play it, the riff sounded good, but like he had said before it sounded off.

Operation Heartbreak // IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now