Disclaimer: Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United and Arsenal fans could be offended by this. I don't know if it will be, just people arguing about the teams. It's not offensive, just banter I guess, I don't know, here's your warning though.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

I was awoken by the sound of someone assaulting my front door. I trudged out of bed and opened the door to find none other than Calum Hood standing in front of me grinning.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

He laughed, "Good morning Calum, how are you today?"

I sighed, "Good morning Calum, how are you today? What do you want?"

"Oh I'm good, thanks for asking" He replied completely ignoring my second question. Shaking my head, I opened the door and motioned for him to come in.

"Coffee?" He nodded, I boiled the kettle, before turning back around to face Calum. "What do you want?"

"Coffee please" Calum replied with a cheeky grin, I sighed and opened my mouth to talk but he cut me off, "I know what you meant" He laughed. "And to answer your question, seeing as you decided to skip out on our time yesterday-"

"You locked me in the practice room with Ashton, it's your own fault" I poured, cutting Calum off.

He shook his head, "Minor details, Bella, minor details"

Laughing I placed a mug in front of Calum, "For you, Mr Hood"

"Thank you, miss" He paused realising that he didn't know my last name.

"Brooks" I told him.

"Bella Brooks?"

I shook my head, "Isabelle Brooks" He nodded and took a sip of his drink.

Kat walked into the kitchen still half asleep, "Good morning sunshine" I teased, repeating what she said to me the other day.

"I hate late shifts" she groaned rubbing her eyes.

When Kat opened her eyes again she noticed Calum and looked at me, "Kat, this is Calum, Calum this is my best friend Kat" It only took a minute for the two of them to warm up to each other and begin talking. I took this as my opportunity to excuse myself from the room to go have a shower and get ready for whatever Calum had planned for the day.


"There is no way that Liverpool is better than Arsenal" Kat scoffed as I entered the room.

Calum crossed him arms, "They came second in premier league last season" He defended.

"And seventh the season before" She pointed out.

Deciding to join in on the conversation I added, "Manchester City, all the way"

Kat turned to face me, "You can shut up"

"Love you too" I laughed blowing a kiss in her direction.

"Man City? Really?" Calum asked, I nodded grinning proudly. "Lucky you didn't say Manchester United, I would've left" I laughed.

Calum and I made our way out of the apartment bidding our goodbyes to Kat, I still didn't know where he was taking me. "We're going to go for a bit of a walk, because I don't have my driver's license yet"

"I could drive" I suggested.

"But then I'd have to tell you where we're going and where's the fun in that" He replied. It was worth a shot anyway. While walking

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