I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

We had to leave to fly to Portugal for the first show of the tour, but for some reason these boys were all still asleep.

I groaned and entered Ashton's bedroom, "Ash, can you please wake up?" I asked sweetly kissing his cheek. I kissed along his jaw and moved to his neck, my kisses were completely innocent yet I still received a low moan from Ashton. I giggled, "Get out of bed you lazy shit, I need help getting the rest of the boys awake. It's been a week since Ashton asked me to be his girlfriend and things couldn't have been going better. He agreed and hopped out of bed still half asleep.

"Michael, wake up we're leaving for the airport in forty minutes" I banged on the coloured hair boy's door.

Ashton managed to get Luke in a state that meant he was able to move around and get ready which was good enough for me. After much persistence we managed to get Michael awake, even if he was grumpy. Calum however didn't answer any of our knocks or yells.

I glanced at the clock, we had ten minutes now, deciding enough was enough I opened his bedroom door. The boy sat with his headphones in, and his black notebook out. He was fully dressed and had an empty coffee cup beside him which made me wonder how long he'd been awake or if he even slept at all. He looked up at me and gave a small smile when he noticed my stressed face.

"You're an ass you know that?" I told him.

"What did I do?" Calum asked with fake innocence.

I groaned, "I've been trying to get all the boys to wake up for like an hour now, you all sleep like rocks"

He raised an eyebrow, "Bella I'm pretty sure the expression is like a log"


"And I'm awake" He said stating the obvious, "And ready" He added gesturing to the packed suitcases. I sighed and walked out of the room, Calum followed me laughing.

I walked into the living room and found Dave and another two security guards with him. Sitting down next to Ashton, I listened to the briefing the boys were given. Once it was over we all got ready to leave for the airport, I went to grab my suitcase but Ashton took it insisting that he should be the one to carry it. We all had a suitcase and another smaller bag each, it was the rule for the tour to make sure we didn't have too many bags.

Arriving at the airport was a different experience, normally I would have to check in my bags and wait in ridiculously long lines, but being Ashton's girlfriend had it's perks. The rest of the crew had taken an earlier flight so they could go ahead and set everything up, the only people left were the boys, the three security guards and myself. One of the other security guards who I still didn't know the name of went to check in all the bags, we just had to move into a room where they gave us all a hot drink.

When it was time to get onto the plane Dave handed out all of the boys boarding passes as though they weren't trusted with it until they actually needed it. We had all been seated in the space of two rows, Ashton and I were to sit with Calum, and Luke, Michael and Dave were to sit on the other side of the aisle with the other two security behind us.

As soon as we got on the plane Calum put his headphones in, Ashton and I decided to watch a movie as it wasn't a very long flight and there was no point in sleeping. We had to wait until the seatbelt sign was turned off before we could properly cuddle, due to us having to keep the arm rest down.

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