Note: Second last chapter :-(

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

He sat there, eyes blood shot, hair ruffled messily. To be honest he probably looked worse than I did a week ago. Slowly I sat on the couch opposite him, neither of us spoke though. I wanted him to start yelling, I wanted to allow myself to cry, something to break this silence.

"I love you" I whispered so quietly that I barely heard it. Ashton looked at me but kept his gaze off my eyes.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" I don't know if it was my broken heart that loved him too much or my brain that knew he was the one that got me to speak but I'm glad it happened.

Ashton looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath, "I'm not exactly sure what to say to the person who absolutely shattered my heart" His words stung, I never wanted to hurt him that much.

"Rant" I said to him, "Yell at me, say whatever's on your mind. Anything to break the silence"

Ashton sighed, "I can't yell at you" He told me, "It hurts because I fell in love with you Bella and I'm not sure if you feel the same way"

"I do though Ash" I said quickly.

He raised his voice slightly, "How am I meant to believe that?" He asked, "You lied to me, and it was all just so you could be famous" I shook my head but he continued. "It hurts. It hurts knowing that this was all a set up. It hurts knowing that my best friend was the one to tell me. But most of all it hurts knowing things between us can never be the same"

"But they can" I replied.

Ashton shook his head, "They can't, I love you and I probably always will, but I'll never be able to trust you again"

"Why are you even here then?" I asked him, at first I thought that he was coming to say he forgave me but now he's just pointing out everything making me upset once again. "Because I tried explain everything to you and you ran away, there's so many details that you don't know yet but you've come here thinking you know exactly what happened and the truth is you don't"

I don't know where these words came from but they just fell so naturally, "If you're only here to tell me that I was wrong then you're wasting your time because I know that. I can't say that I'd go back in time and change what happened because that would mean eliminating the chance of us, which I guess I've already done so that doesn't matter anymore"

"But before you go, just know that I love you and I will for the rest of my life, and I mean that in the most sincere and honest way possible" After I spoke those words it went silent. I was waiting for him to leave and I think he was going over my words, letting them linger in his thoughts trying to figure out how to reply.

"I'm going to need some time to think this over" Ashton said, but I was done. My sadness had become anger, I just wanted to know whether I was going to have him in my life or not.

I looked at him, "You don't get time Ashton to think. I've had enough of waiting for you to think it over. My heart can't take this anymore, what is your decision?" Ashton walked out of the room, my heart broke and I fell into a heap on the floor once again.

A couple minutes later the door opened, I didn't bother looking up at who it was. I felt someone lace their fingers through mine, through the tears I was able to make out a faint outline of who it was. "I thought it over" He said, "And even though it'll never be the same, we can both try and care about this relationship and sometimes that's enough"

I looked up and placed my lips on his, nothing made me happier than him. I'm not even sure how I found happiness before I met him. I loved everything about him, from his actions to his appearance. Everything he did made me smile and I was so glad that I wouldn't loose him.

"I have something for you" Ashton told me, and placed a ring in my hand.

"Are you proposing?" I asked, suddenly not sure what to do.

He shook his head, "No, at least not yet. This is a promise ring, it symbolises that if you accept it that one day I'll replace it with a proper engagement ring and we can get married" His words almost made me sigh in relief, I love Ashton but I don't think I'm ready to get married. "Just promise me that we will both work as hard as we can to keep this relationship going even through the hard times, because I can't imagine anyone else that I want beside me" I nodded and slipped the ring onto my finger beaming at Ashton, his smile just as big.


I don't even want to write the next chapter, I don't want this story to be over. Quick thank you now to everyone for supporting this book, I'll write a proper one in the next chapter though.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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