Note: Double update because I love you all.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

It didn't surprise me when I woke up with Ashton still asleep beside me. He was never one to wake up early, and to be honest neither was I, but I seemed to have more self control then him. Ashton lay on his side with one arm around me, slowly shifting so that my head was facing him I pressed my lips to his.

"Morning baby" He mumbled, I loved the way the pet name fell from his lips, "What are we doing today?"

"I'm heading over to see my father, and you're coming with me" I told him. Ashton was suddenly completely awaking and sitting up rather then lying down like he was before. "What?" I asked with a small laugh at Ashton's change in posture.

He looked at me, "You want me to meet your father?" I nodded slowly not understanding the issue, "Belle, you're his only daughter, what if he doesn't approve of me?" I could hear the panic in Ashton's voice.

"Ash, I promise that he will approve of you" I reassured, "Besides, even if he didn't approve doesn't mean I would stop dating you" Ashton smiled and mumbled something under his breath, "Pardon?"

He looked up, not realising that I had hear him, "Nothing, don't worry about it" I shrugged, if it was important he would have told me.

After a shower and a quick breakfast with the rest of the Irwin's, Ashton and I drove over to my father's house. We arrived at the front gate and I was hit by a wave of nerves. I hadn't seen to my father in three years, we talked once a week if I was lucky, but they were always short conversations.

Ashton's hand was placed comfortingly on the small of my back. Even though he was probably more nervous then I was, his presence made me calm down a lot. We stepped up to the front door, I knocked quietly, but it still echoed through the house.

"Bella?" My dad asked in disbelief when he opened the door, I ran forward and hugged him. Seeing him in person showed me how much I missed having around. It is easier to convince yourself that you don't need someone when they aren't around, but when they appear in front of you again, you realise that you actually need them more than you thought.

"I've missed you dad" I said a tear rolling down my cheek.

We pulled away from the hug and my father noticed Ashton, "Who is this?"

"Dad, this is my boyfriend Ashton, Ash, this is my father" I introduced and the pair shook hands.

Walking inside we all took a seat in the lounge room, Ashton took my hand and laced out fingers, "How come you're in Sydney?" My father asked, "Not that I don't love having you here, it's just so unexpected" He added quickly.

"I'm actually in a band sir" Ashton told him with a shaky voice, I think that was the part that was scaring him the most. Telling my dad that he was in a band. "I'm originally from here, but I met Bella in London, and we've been touring Australia and now have a week off"

My father took in Ashton's words, "A band?" Ashton nodded quickly. "How popular would you day this band is?"

"Dad, Ashton's band is very successful, they're currently headlining a worldwide tour, and they're album last year went number one in several countries" I knew that Ashton didn't like to brag about his achievements, I wasn't one to go out and show off but in this moment I was talking to my father about how proud I was of the boys.

My father nodded approving my words, "And how are you going with your studies Bella? Shouldn't you be at university at the moment?"

"I've been doing okay, I'm currently taking the year off from university due to some reasons, but I am studying a double degree of law and drama" I told him, my father had always been one to believe in happiness over life.

Every night when I was younger he used to say the same thing to me, happiness is not something that you get in life, it's what you bring to life. As long as I was happy he would support whatever it was, and I was hoping he was the same with Ashton.

I was delighted to find that Ashton and my father were getting on so well. Each of them sharing stories that had them both laughing. I sat quietly just listening to the two men in my life talk, enjoying this moment.

"Well, dad it was lovely seeing you, but Ashton and I have to head off" I said squeezing Ashton's hand. Standing up I gave my father a hug, promising to try and visit him before we left again.

"Ashton, I just have one last question for you before you go" I felt Ashton stiffen, "What footy team do you support?"

Ashton literally sighed his whole body loosening beside me, "Sydney Swans" He told me father, and received a nod in return.

We headed out to the car, Ashton had one hand on the steering wheel, the other just resting beside him. I took hold of it and looked up at him, he pulled his hand away and placed it on the wheel.

"Ash?" I said but didn't get a reply, "Can you pull over?" Ashton didn't even look over at me. "Ashton can you please pull over"

"We're almost home" He mumbled.

"Ashton" I said raising my voice, "Pull over" He sighed and pulled over.

"What?" He asked finally looking at me.

I placed a hand on his cheek, "What's wrong?"

Ashton sighed, "Nothing" I raised my eyebrow, something was up and I really wanted to help him. "I swear it was nothing, can we go now?"

"No" I told him, "Not until you tell me what's bothering you, and don't say nothing because I know you Ashton, I care about you"

"It just made me miss having a father, I was talking to him like I would if I had my own. I know it's stupid and I know that mine wasn't even a good father, but I still would've liked to have him around for longer" I knew that Ashton missed having a father figure, but not this much. He was lucky to have such a strong support system when they were on the road, but when he's on a break like this he has to step up and be the father figure to his family, and that's always hard.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to Ashton, my hands gently cupping his chin. The kiss was sweet, there was no need for desire or lust. Although I loved making out with Ashton, innocently kissing him was enough for me.


It's only just occurred to me that in London they start in the middle of the year. What Bella's done is she's taken the year off and will continue mid school year at the beginning of 2016.

I don't know what happened at the end there but I'm going with it.

Majority of these updates are being written at like 2am, and I'm sorry. At the moment I'm just editing grammar and spelling before I post it. When I'm finished the book I'll go back and edit it all properly.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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