100 Reasons....

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As promised here is the 100 reasons why Bella 'likes' Ashton. It's long so I don't blame you if you don't read them all but I've gotten comments and messages asking for them so here it is.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

1. When I am with you, I can be myself.

2. You have such a beautiful smile and that smile makes me happy all day.

3. You make me feel special.

4. You put up with my moodiness.

5. You love all my imperfections even though I never will.

6. We can take pictures with the most awkward facial expressions or postures, yet we still see each other as the cutest person on earth.

7. I love how you wrap your arms around me and how that makes me feel secure.

8. You always give me your honest opinion.

9. You protect me.

10. Even when you are angry, or upset you are still adorable.

11. How you are able to find beauty in small things and show me how to appreciate it.

12. The way you hold me like you never want to let me go.

13. How you would stroke my fingers when we hold hands.

14. Your sense of humor always light up my day.

15. I can trust you.

16. The way you care about me.

17. You say silly and cute things to make me laugh.

18. I love the way you sing to me.

19. How patient you are.

20. I love how it feels when I wrap my arms around your waist.

21. The way you call me baby/babe.

22. You always give me cute names.

23. When I am very upset about something, you always listen to my complaints and try to comfort me. 

24. I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough.

25. You can't hide it well when you are trying to tell me something that's not true. 

26. I love your wrinkles and crow's feet when you smile.

27. I love how your voice sounds when you whisper in my ear. Sends chills down my spine.

28. Even though we are different, you never try to change me.

29. I love it when we stay up late watching movies and fall asleep on the couch together.

30. I love the way we finish each other's sentences.

31. I love the way you treat my friends.

32. I love how we can spend the whole night together doing nothing but talking and hanging out and it's still an amazing time.

33. I can tell you anything.

34. You always laugh at my jokes, even when they are not funny at all.

35. How you love to sing and dance around no matter where we are.

36. You are just so energetic.

37. My life is not complete without you.

38. You watch girly shows with me and I play video games with you.

39. I love that you appreciate everything I do for you and don't take it for granted.

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