I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

I can't believe I'm almost at the end of the mission, and I still have no idea how I'm meant to end it while keeping everything as the way it is. I'm sitting at Ashton's desk going through all of my messages concerning it trying to find the loophole that Dave spoke about. Ashton was still asleep, and even though it was risky doing this where he could wake up and see what I'm doing, I needed to figure this out as soon as possible. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't find anyway around it. I analysed every sentence individually determined to find something but was unsuccessful.

I sighed and unlocked my phone, procrastinating by going onto Facebook. Looking at my friends list I saw that Celeste was online.

Bella: Hey! What are you doing up so early? Are you able to help me with something?

Celeste: Jack had to go somewhere this morning and he's not very quiet when he's getting out of bed

Celeste: And sure, what do you need help with

Bella: I need help with my "mission"

Celeste: What about it?

Bella: I can't let all of this go to waste, I love Ashton too much to leave it all behind

Celeste: How are you meant to fix it though?

Bella: That's the thing, I was talking to Dave the boys' security guard and he said to find a loophole, but I need help finding one

Celeste: Forward all the e-mails to me and I'll look through them and let you know if I find anything

Bella: Ta x

I sighed in relief, with Celeste helping me there was a higher chance that we would find what we needed. Looking over at Ashton I felt a tear escape, I really didn't want to leave him.

Moving back to the messages I pulled apart the specific things. The method was fairly straightforward and there was no way of finding a loophole in that. It was pointless looking at the requirements because I was already towards the end of the mission.

Scrolling through all the background information given on the boys, I laughed softly at how wrong some of these points were. It was weird to see that even their bosses didn't know that much about them. They all assumed that they knew about them because of the images they had forced each boy to show. I guess after making them act a certain way one might assume that they would soon become the person they were pretending to be. Of course that did not happen in all situations and this was a prime example.

Michael wasn't as strong as they said he was.

Luke wasn't as sweet as they said he was.

Calum wasn't as shy as they said he was.

Ashton wasn't as rude as they said he was.

No one knew the real them except for their friends, not even the people who had manipulated them.

Sighing I focused my attention back on Ashton who was stirring in his sleep, "It's rude to stare" He said cheekily letting me know that he was fully awake. I turned around and quickly logged off my computer before looking back at the boy who was still half asleep.

"I'm sorry" I replied.

He motioned for me to join him back in bed, I followed his wishes and cuddled with him, "You're lucky you're cute" Ashton sighed kissing my lips. "I love you" He repeated.

"Love you too" I replied.

"No" He whined, "It just sounds like you're agreeing with me"

I laughed at his childish ways, "I love you Ashton Fletcher Irwin"

"And I love you, Isabelle Rose Brooks"

We lay in bed enjoying each other's company for a another half hour before deciding to get up and face the day. I had already taken a shower when I woke up before, so I was dressed and ready to walk downstairs. Ashton joined me in the kitchen after his quick shower.

"What's on the agenda today?" I asked him as we both maneuvered our way around each other making breakfast.

Ashton thought for a moment, "I think we're all going to the Hood's house for a barbecue" He replied. I nodded excited to see everyone else again.


We arrived at the Hood household and instantly began talking with the others. I managed to have to talk with everyone despite there being such a large group of people.

The barbecue was cooked and everyone had served themselves, we all sat in the back yard on camping chairs and some of us just seated on the grass with plates in our laps. "What are you and Ashton going to do now, because we'll all have to travel and stuff" Calum asked, everyone turned to look at us.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not really sure, just see what happens" I took Ashton's hand, "But we'll make it work" I said smiling at him. At the moment my main priority was maintaining the relationships before I even began to think about the future. Of course Luke had other plans.

"That's a lie" He said.

Everyone looked at him confused, "Luke I think you're overreacting a little" Liz said calmly to her son.

"No" Luke replied harshly, "I'm sick of you lying to everyone Bella" He looked at me.

"Luke" I said, "Don't"

He shook his head, "You can't continue like this, you and I both know that it's going to come out one way or another. Why don't you just tell everyone?"

"Why don't we go into the other room to talk about this Luke?" I said trying to keep my voice level.

"Whatever you two have to talk about you can do it right here" Michael said obviously confused.

Luke smirked at me, "Go on Bella, tell them" When I shook my head he continued. "Bella here has been lying to just about everyone in this room" Ashton looked at me, I could tell that he didn't know what to believe but by the end of this his decision would be clear.

"Let's start at the beginning shall we?" He asked rhetorically, "It's not a coincidence that we met her in Starbucks that day. It was all planned out, every small detail of that day. By who?" Once again no one answered, "Our good friends at Modest Management" Everyone gasped but this was only the beginning.



Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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