I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

Actually, that's a lie, I've already failed. To make matters worse I had found the loophole that I wanted so desperately. It's funny how time always messes things up. Nothing ever happens at the time that you wanted it too, and maybe that's what ruins everything.

We all have an idea of the perfect reality, but nothing ever happens when we want it too. However we all fail to realise that if it's perfect it's not reality. Ashton was my perfection. Of course that meant that it was never going to be a reality.

It's been a week and I haven't heard anything from any of the boys. I missed all of them, even Luke. I had become accustomed to having them around all of the time that it feels strange now.

I still had to call Modest and tell them that the mission was completed but there was something holding me back. I guess I'm still hoping that Ashton will call me and we can work things out. It's stupid I know, but it's the only thing keeping me sane.

I can't go onto any social media because there's too many reminders of him. Kat and I are barely talking due to her enormous amount of workload for university. The other girls have tried texting me but I don't feel like talk to them.

A knock at my bedroom door pulled me out of my thoughts, "Come in" I choked out. After barely talking and only crying my voice was raspy and failing me. A boy walked in, through the tears I could faintly make out the figure of the brunette I once called my best friend. He sat on my bed facing me, we both just stared at each other. Neither of us knew how to start the conversation.

"We need to talk" Calum finally said, I nodded agreeing with him. "Why did you do it?" I shrugged my shoulders, he didn't accept that as my answer though.

"Our teacher told us about it, then he called me into his office and told me that I had been chosen. I could've said no, but he told me about the deal that your management was willing to make. Calum it's my dream, something I've always wanted"

He looked at me, "You shouldn't have used him or us, like that"

"I know" I sighed, "Looking back it seemed stupid but at that moment in time I was a university student drowning in work just wanting a way out. This was like the golden ticket to the life I always wanted. I didn't plan on becoming best friends with you, I didn't plan on falling in love with Ashton, it all just happened"

Calum was silent, obviously thinking over my words, "Was our friendship ever fake? Was anything you ever said to me fake?" I shook my head almost instantly.

"Calum, ever since I met you that day in Starbucks our friendship has been real. Everything I said was me being me, I promise. I didn't even lie to Ashton, everything I told him was the truth. It was just that the circumstances and my reasons for my actions were planned" I answered honestly.

"I want to believe you" He whispered, "But its hard"

I let a tear escape, "I'm still the same person I told you I was Calum, nothing about me has changed except for my relationship status" Calum looked up at me not sure what to do, I knew this would be hard on him. "Our friendship means everything to me Cal and I can't loose you, please I need you"

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, "No more secrets" He said, "Please?"

"Of course" I replied gaining strength in my voice. "Can we start over?"

Calum nodded, "Hi, my name is Calum Hood"

"Hello Calum, I'm Isabelle Brooks but everyone calls me Bella" I replied with a small giggle.

"Well Bella, I think this is going to be the start of an amazing friendship" He told me confidently.

I hugged Calum once again, "Thank you Calum"

The two of us spent the rest of the day in the same way that we would have before all of this mess occurred. Without the mission lingering in the back of my mind it made our time together so much more enjoyable. The sun was starting to set and I knew that Calum would have to head home soon, but there was one more thing that I wanted to talk to him about.

"Calum?" He looked up, "Will Ashton ever forgive me?" I asked quietly.

Calum took a deep breath before answering, "I'm not sure Bella, I really don't know" I nodded blinking back the tears, "He's gone through a lot in his life and you helped him to forget about all of that. You made him so happy and I think he's having trouble figuring how much of what you said and did was real and how much was just you following orders" I understood what Calum meant.

"I was going through the same thing" He admitted, "I really didn't know if our friendship was real or fake, and I think it's hard for him because it was a relationship and he loves you so much and now he doesn't know if you love him back"

"I do love him" I told Calum, "I honestly love him so much"

Calum placed a hand on my arm, "I know that Bella, and you know that. He's just got to figure it out for himself" I nodded, "I'll talk to him though, explain a couple of things to him, hopefully it'll help"

I smiled at this, "Thank you so much Calum" I said.

"That's what friends do" He replied shrugging it off like it was no big deal, but to me it was a massive deal.

There was a chance I was going to get Ashton back.


Calum's back on Bella's side. Let's hope the rest of the boys follow his lead.

We are so close to the end of this book, I'm so sad. There's like 2 more chapters and then a possible epilogue.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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