I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

We walked off the plane and entered the terminal, arriving in Sydney there were a couple squeals heard by the fans, but the biggest had to be from the four proud mothers who stood waiting for their sons.

I let go of Ashton and allowed him to run towards his mum, watching as the four boys engulfed their mothers in hugs. I watched as Calum and Michael walked over and hugged their dads, the rest of Luke's family wasn't there but we would be going to his house first to meet them. Ashton finished hugging his mum and then turned to his younger siblings who both hugged him together.

I stood back and let all of them have their moment with their families. The boys then walked over to greet their fans.

A girl's voice called out, "Mum, that's Bella" I looked over and saw that Ashton's sister Lauren had spotted me and was dragging her mum and brother over to me.

"Hi, I'm Anne Marie, you must be Bella" She smiled warmly, I returned the smile.

"That's me, it's lovely to meet you" I told her.

"You too darling, Ashton has told me lots about you, this is my daughter Lauren, and other son Harry" The pair both smiled at me. I knew from Ashton's constant talking about his family that Lauren was fourteen, and Harry was eleven.

"It's nice to meet you both" I smiled.

Ashton came rushing back over to us after he had finished meeting his fans,"Hello, I'd introduce you but I think you already have" I nodded taking his hand.

We made our way out of the airport, of course there was a lot of us walking, but we had gotten the earliest flight into Sydney and made sure that we didn't make it seem like we were at the airport. Of course some fans were still here but they left the boys alone after their short conversation.

Ashton walked ahead of me talk to Harry, I stayed back with Lauren, "You're really pretty" She told me.

"Thank you" I blushed at her compliment. I took the chance to take in her appearance, she wasn't dressed maturely, but she had a certain sophistication to for outfit. You could definitely tell she cared about her appearance which wasn't a bad thing. "You're quite pretty yourself" I replied truthfully.

"Ashton said that you're his make up artist and hair stylist, what do you do for the four boys?" Lauren asked me.

I thought about her question, it was a bit of an odd thing to happen really, a make up artist for a band of boys, so I understood her curiosity. "I'm also other make up artist and hair stylist for the opening act, which for Europe and America is a band called Hey Violet, which has three girls in it. So most of the make up is there, but we still do the boys' hair before they go onstage" I explained to her, she nodded understanding what I was trying to say.

Lauren and I talked the whole drive to Luke's house, despite the large age difference she was really easy to talk to, and I promised to spend a day with her when we came back to Sydney after the Australian leg of the tour had finished.


We pulled into Luke's driveway where Luke ran up and hugged his dad. He then hugged both of his brothers which was kind of cute. We walked into the Hemmings' household, where I was introduced to Celeste, who is Luke's brother, Jack's girlfriend. The two of us got on really well.

"I've heard a bit about you" Celeste told me taking a sip of her drink, "From Luke" She said. I sighed, nothing good could've come out of Luke's mouth, "You don't seem as fake and self-centred as he described" I laughed quite loudly.

"Is that actually what he told you?" I asked a little shocked.

She nodded, "Yep, but I don't see it. Do you mind explaining?"

I looked around the room to make sure that there was no one near us, I saw the boys all pre-occupied with the mothers, "Okay, what I'm about to tell you can't be repeated or it's going to ruin everything"

I explained everything to her, I'm not sure why I trusted her with this. Maybe it's because I didn't want to lie to her, it's not like there was a reason for me to. I told her about the whole situation including what Luke said to me. Thankfully Celeste didn't judge me, just offered some advice which I was thankful for. She promised me that she wouldn't tell anyone, not even Jack.

After talking to Celeste for a little bit longer I moved over to where Ashton stood with the people I recognised as Calum and Luke's mums. "Hey" Ashton said to me as he slipped his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. "Joy and Liz, this is Bella my girlfriend, and Belle, this is Joy, Calum's mum, and Liz, Luke's mum"

"Nice to meet you" I smiled.

"Bella, I hear you're on tour with these for boys, what's that like these days?" Liz asked me, I didn't get what she meant by these days.

Ashton spoke, practically reading my mind, "Liz came on tour with us back when Luke and Calum were too young to tour without an adult"

"Oh okay, it's not too bad, they just like to have a bit of fun in the dressing room and somedays they're a little too loud, but I love all of the boys so it's not as bad as it could me" I told both mothers.

"How are you managing to go on tour with them? Are you not studying at university?" Joy asked, I knew that I would receive these types of questions.

"No, I am at university. I've just had to take this year off for a couple of reasons, so it's been quite lucky that I met the boys this year, and everything's worked out the way it did" To anyone else viewing this year it would all seem like one big coincidence, but because it was my life, I knew that this was all happening for one reason and it certainly wasn't a coincidence.

I socialised with the rest of the families, and was able to join in with a game of backyard cricket. It was interesting to say the least, with me, the four boys, Luke's brothers Jack and Ben, Harry and Lauren, and Celeste. The dads also joined in, so it was lucky that Luke's backyard was so big.

As the sun started to set the barbecue was turned on, I hadn't experienced an Australia barbecue before so this was an interesting night. It was extremely laid back, and everyone was just having a good time. I sighed, this is how life should be all the time.


Celeste knows now, let's hope she keeps her promise.

I've accepted the fact that majority of these chapters are just going to be this size.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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