Note: The tears are already falling.

I'm here on an mission and I will not fail.

I walk into the Modest Management building, the receptionist doesn't even bother looking my way. She knows who I am, I've been here many times before. I make my way up in the elevator and arrive at the top floor. The door to the room is open so I take a seat. the boss stares at me.

"Miss Brooks" He says with a slight nod. "Have you completed your assignment?"

"Actually, that's what I am here to talk about" I told him.

He looked at me, gesturing for me to continue. "In some ways I have been successful, I managed to form a strong relationship with Mr Irwin that lasted the whole six month tour as instructed. There has however been a slight complication"

"What do you mean by complication?" The man did not look happy.

"It seems that you and your company do not know Mr Irwin as well as you might like to think you do" I explained, "And due to this I have come to know the real Mr Irwin and fall in love with him"

"Miss Brooks you must break up with him otherwise you have no completed this mission, and therefore we will not hold up our end of the deal and you will not be supplied with an acting career" I looked at the man, he had seemed to forget that I was also a law student.

I nodded along to his words ready to explain, "I thought so too, until I found a vital part of the contract. Here it states that the aim of my mission is to stop Mr Irwin from engaging in sexual encounters with multiple women, in other words stop Mr Irwin from having one night stands with all of his groupies. By staying in a relationship with him, he won't do such things because he'll have a girlfriend who he loves"

"While your research is outstanding Miss Brooks you seem to forget the part that were given about breaking up with Mr Irwin once the tour was over" He told me.

I shook my head, "Of course I haven't, however I have come to find that that part was merely an idea given" I pulled out a copy of the contract and placed my finger on the part that I was referring to.

Ways of completing the mission include:

- Dating Mr Irwin for the tour and breaking up with him

- Becoming one of his "partners" and exposing him

The list went on giving many ideas but the end part was the most important.

Though these ideas should be followed, you are the actress and should do whatever helps you to complete the overall aim.

"I have done what helped me to complete this assignment, however the overall aim is to stop Mr Irwin and I believe that if I break up with him, he will turn back to his old ways" I tried to keep my tone professional.

We sat there in silence, as the man thought over my argument, I sat there praying that this would all work out in my favour. I had already decided that nothing is worth more than my relationship with Ashton and that if I do not succeed I will just decline the offer of the acting career and stay with Ashton. I can always go back to university and complete my law degree like I had planned in the first place.

"Well Miss Brooks, it seems that your argument is indeed a valid one and therefore we must complete our side of this deal" Words could not express my happiness right now, I honestly didn't know how to feel, I was finally going to be an actress. "I must however remind you that if this movie is your only one you cannot come back to us and ask for another, you will however be provided with an agent to minimise the possibility of that" I nodded quickly, "I believe that is all, your agent will be in touch with you shortly"

I stood up quickly, "Thank you sir" I shook the man's hand and walked out of the room.

Waiting for me in the car park was my wonderful boyfriend Ashton Irwin, I ran up to him and practically leapt into his arms. He held me tight spinning me around. Ashton placed me back down but leaving his arms around my waist.

"My baby's going to be a movie star" He said smiling proudly at me and I nodded grinning at him. "I'm so proud of you Belle" My lips connected with Ashton's perfectly fitting together.

"I love you" I mumbled against his lips.

"And I love you"



I'm not crying, okay, maybe a little, no okay, maybe a lot.

Bella has become a massive part of me and I don't want to let her go. I love the characters that I created and the personalities I made for the 5SOS boys.

I started writing this story back in October and spent weeks writing chapters and planning things before I actually started to publish them in December. I updated just about every day because I was so excited to get it out to you all so I hope that made the story more enjoyable by not having to wait long.

I said this back in previous chapters but I'm going to get started on the 100 reasons and post that as a chapter.

Also thinking about making a part where i will answer all of your questions about the book, but as I said, let's see what happens with this book, and see who reads it.

If you enjoyed this, you might like to check out my other stuff.

As you can tell, I still haven't gotten any better at Author's Notes.

I think that's all from me.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

Don't delete this book from your library, I'm thinking about making a couple other things.

Please comment if want me to do anything in particular.

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