Note: I'm shuffling dates here. This is the 10th of September and the boys are in LA. The Raleigh and Charlotte dates were a day earlier. The boys will fly to Tampa on the morning of the 12th.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

Kelsey and I worked together to do the boys hair for the video. We were currently on the set of their new music video for the leading single off their new album. The concept was a little odd, but following orders Kelsey and I just continued to make the boys look good.

The director Issac called the boys over to look at the vehicle that they would be playing on top of. "That's really cool man" Calum replied, the rest of the boys mumbling in agreement.

"Big old car" Michael said in an attempt to make a joke.

The boys all inspected it, "Is that even safe to drive?" Calum asked looking over at me, I shrugged.

"Just don't fall off" I said with a small the laugh.

Michael had to go and talk to Zop quickly, so the rest of us walked over to the house that would be used. "Let's act out a scene" Ashton said to the other boys who had already walked inside, "I've just come home from war, you answer the door okay?"

I held back a laugh as Ashton walked towards the door with his head down, he knocked, and Calum answered, "Hey mate, can I help you?" Calum asked.

"Got a new roommate" Luke said in that false accent that he always uses.

"But I thought my wife" Ashton stuttered, "My beloved wife, I went to war"

Calum shook his head, "You got the wrong house" He told Ashton, "She's next door, get off my porch"

I laughed at their childish ways. Ashton looked over at me pouting, "I'm sorry" I told him, "Maybe your wife doesn't care about you"

"You care about me though?" He asked, I didn't know what made the conversation turn to this.

"Of course" I said pressing my lips to his.

Luke and Calum both groaned, "No kissing, you do it all the time"

"You jealous boys?" I asked them.

The pair both stood up straighter, acting tough, "Definitely not" Luke said, his words had a sort of harshness to them. I knew what he was trying to say and it hurt a little.

Calum coughed breaking the tension, "How about we show the fans the house" I stood behind the camera man, careful not to make any noise showing that I was there. "This is my house" Calum told the boys as they walked through, "We're just refurbishing at the moment"

"This is your house?" Luke asked.

"I bought it on eBay" Calum replied, "I didn't actually see inside" He said.

Luke spoke, once again using the accent, "You bought this on eBay?"

"It did look nice on the outside" Ashton commented looking around.

Once the sun had set it was time to film the boys playing on top of that vehicle. Everyone was set up and ready to go, until it broke down. The boys of course found this hysterical, and it took a little bit of time to get them to properly sing and play on top without laughing a the people who stood behind them pushing the vehicle.

It was around 5am when they actually finished all of the filming. Kelsey and I had hidden in the van and gotten a couple hours of sleep due to not being needed. When I went outside to find Ashton again he looked at me panicked, "Where were you?"

"In the van, sleeping" I told him, "I'm tired and wasn't needed" I shrugged.

"You should've told me where you went, I was worried" He sighed.

I kissed his lips, "I'm sorry"

He left it at that, and climbed into the van. I followed him in, leaning into his shoulder. Ashton's arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes but didn't sleep, just enjoyed the feeling of being next to Ashton.


We arrived back at the hotel, Luke and Michael instantly retreated to their rooms and Ashton headed to the bathroom to shower, leaving Calum and I. "Are you going to sleep?" I asked Calum, it was already early morning, and I knew that he didn't sleep that much.

"Probably not" He shrugged, "I might just go to the gym to workout"

"Can I join you?" I asked, I wasn't the type to workout everyday, but I tried to go as often as I could, but being on tour with the boys made it hard.

"Sure, I could use a workout buddy" He said happily.

I moved to my room to get changed and Calum went to his to do the same. Once again I sent a text to Ashton's phone knowing that he would receive it when he got out of the shower. "Let's go" I told Calum and the two of us walked out of the elevator.

Calum and I both entered the gym and started working on a set that he was used to doing. Despite Calum telling me that we could modify it so that it was easier for me, I continued to do the same as him. It was challenging but that only made it better.

We both worked as hard as we could for a solid hour before taking a small break, "How's things with Ashton?" Calum asked, it seemed everyone wanted to know about the relationship. This didn't bother me except for the fact that I had to remind myself of how amazing things with Ashton are, and how bad I'm going to feel when it's over.

"Things are good" I told him nodding, not really in the mood to talk that much about it.

"Just good?" Calum teased with a smirk.

I pushed his shoulder, "Yes, just good"

"Are you sure?" He said, once again smirking at me.

"Yes" I sighed.

Calum dropped the teasing and spoke in all seriousness, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just have to do something and it's making other things hard right now"

"Do you want to talk about it?" I wanted to tell Calum, but I though about how Luke acted. Calum and I were friends unlike Luke but I didn't know if that would make the situation better or worse.

I shook my head, "Not really, let's just get back to working out" Respecting my wishes Calum dropped the subject.

After another thirty minutes of working out we made our way back upstairs, and I went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I entered Ashton's room, and he didn't look happy.


Cliffhanger. You all probably hate me now, but that's okay because after the next chapter you'll forgive me (hopefully).

She's Kinds Hot Behind The Scenes takes me back, and damn it's only been like a couple months but it hurts.

That gym bit wasn't going to happen, but then I realised that I needed to set up the next chapter so it sort of just came in the moment.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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