I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

"Congratulations your imitations are taking over the" Michael sung but stumbled over the words, I giggled receiving a glare from him.

"Ok let's take a break" Zop called out, Ashton grabbed my hand and dragged me into the rehearsal space.

"What's are you doing?" I asked him.

"Play the drums" Ashton said. It's been about a week since I overheard the discussion, and the boys have spent majority of their time rehearsing for the tour so it's not surprising that he hasn't asked me on another date, but I still wished that he would.

Due to being a part of the crew I've had to come to these rehearsals. We all have to know what's going to happen so we can make sure the shows all run smoothly. I'm meant to speak with Kelsey later, but for the time being in just watching the boys.

"Aren't you filming 5 On The Wall?"

"We can edit it out, now play the drums"

"Can I play the bass? Because I want you to play with me" I reasoned.

"But I want you to play my drums" He pouted.

"Calum I'm playing your bass" I called out.

"Don't break it"

"Okay" I started playing Calum bass riff in Heartbreak Girl and Ashton joined in on the drums, Luke picked up his guitar and started singing as well. By the time we finished Michael had joined in too, I placed Cal's bass on the ground where he left it and walked over to Ashton.

"Maybe you should be our bassist" He said with a smile.

"Wouldn't you like that" I smirked.

"Knowing Ashton he'd probably just make out with you onstage in the middle of a concert if that happened" Calum joked walking back into the space.

"I would not" Ashton protested.

"Yes you would" Michael fought back.

"I wouldn't, right Bella?" Ashton asked looking down at me hoping that I would defend him.

Before I had time to answer Zop called out to them, "Boys get back to rehearsal, Bella go get me a coffee" I was thankful he saved me from answering that.

"Any of you want a coffee, seeing as I'm going there?" I asked.

"Yes" The boys except Michael said.

"I'll get you a drink that isn't coffee" I told him, he gave me a small smile and got back to rehearsing. We walked to the tech box where I found Ben Booker and John Delf.

"Going for a coffee run, anyone want one?" I asked, Ben and John nodded.

"Get one for Derek too" Ben called.

I walked over to the coffee shop which was conveniently next door to the rehearsal space. The barista looked at me like I was insane when I ordered nine hot drinks but nonetheless still went and made the drinks.

Two girls stumbled into the coffee shop and looked at me with wide eyes, "Are you Bella?"

"That's me" I smiled, the pair both looked at each other before turning back to me with a grin on their faces.

"Can you please ask the 5SOS boys to follow us on Twitter?" One of the girls asked, I nodded and took down their Twitter names.

They both asked for a photo with me which I found weird but accepted. After the small meeting they left me alone. I took my coffees back to the room and handed them out. The boys were halfway through a song so I handed Derek and Zop's theirs first, then I moved to the tech box and placed Ben and John's behind them. Once the boys had finished I handed them their coffee's.

After a couple more songs Kelsey came out, we moved into another room to talk. "Hi, I'm Kelsey and you must be Bella" I nodded and greeted her.

She was kind, "Now, Zop tells me you've got some experience in the makeup area but it's not your profession" I nodded once again. "Would you prefer to do hair or make up? I know some people have preferences"

I thought about it, I enjoyed hair but sometimes it was a little bit tedious, but then again make up wasn't exactly easy, "I don't mind" I finally answered.

"Okay, well I was thinking that we could see how it goes for the first week but we work together rather than having one of us do hair and the other do makeup. Having 5 boys and 3 girls for majority of the tour will probably make it harder to have split jobs" I agreed with everything she was saying, we could only be successful at our jobs if we worked together.

Kelsey and I then got to work, we had to go online and buy all the products we would need. Zop sent the boys in, and we had to check their skin tones, even though they would be wearing hardly any make up we still needed to check it all. Michael also needed to decide on his next three hair colours so we could buy the hair dye, he chose purple, black and white.

Next Hey Violet came in, I hadn't met that band but they weren't actually that bad, I knew Ashton liked them but he rest of the boys didn't really care about them, not in a rude way they just didn't exactly like their music. Hey Violet took a little bit longer due to the fact that Rena, Nia and Miranda all needed different types of makeup, we had to look up and buy all of the materials, taking note of where we got them.

Once we had all of the items in our inbox we checked with Zop to make sure we could buy all of them and ordered it. Kelsey and I spent the rest of the time just talking, she was older than me but it was still nice, she was like the older sister I never got.

"Tell me about you and Ashton" Kelsey said wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed, "There's not much happening at the moment, I mean we've been on a couple of dates so far and we made out twice. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, even though I overheard him saying he would and that we like a week ago. I don't know"

She listened to everything I said, "What do you mean you've made out twice?"

"Well once in a club, and that was when we still hated each other, and then the boys, my best friend and I were all watching a movie and we made out in the kitchen" I shrugged.

"You two would be so cute together, I saw the way he looked at you. That boy just needs to grow some balls and ask you to be his girlfriend, because looking at you right now I'm sure you'd say yes" I nodded agreeing with the fact that I would say yes.

Ashton makes me happy. I want to be around him more. I want to be able to kiss and hug him all the time. I want to be with him at night as I fall asleep in his arms. I want to be the first thing he sees in the morning when he wakes up. But most of all, I want to be Ashton's girlfriend.

Kelsey snapped me out of my thoughts, "Someone's here to talk to you Bella" I turned around and saw Ashton, I smiled at him. Kelsey quietly made her way out of the room.

"Hey Bella" He replied taking a seat next to me.

"Hi Ash" I giggled.

He looked at me for a moment before opening his mouth to speak again, "Hypothetically, what would you say if I were to ask you on another date?"

"Hypothetically?" I asked and laughed when he nodded, "I think I'd probably say yes"

Ashton smiled, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6"


There was nothing else to add, I'm sorry for the shitty ending.

I'm still working my way up to the main part of the story, but you'll know when shit starts getting real I promise.

Kelsey Zahn is perfect by the way. If you check out her website you will find just how amazing at make up and hair she actually is. I know people who have met her and apparently she's super nice. I mean she's the reason our boys look fabulous onstage so we have to thank her.

Going to be honest I'm not a massive fan of Hey Violet, so they won't be in this story very much, in fact if they are it'll just be like a mention of their name. You are allowed to have an opinion but please don't express your hate for them on my story it's rude and unnecessary.

I'm running out of things to say in these notes.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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