I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

"Bella your friends here" Luke called out, I walked out of Ashton's room to greet her. After a quick hello we made our way into the living room where we found the boys arguing on a movie. "But I want to watch Mean Girls" Luke pouted.

"Luke you're the only one" Michael sighed.

"I want to watch it too" I told them.

Luke cheered, "Yay! See Aimee does too"

"So she's the only one, that's two people out of six" Calum argued.

"I'll watch it" Jayda shrugged.

I turned to look at Ashton, I have him my best innocent look, "Please Ashton" I pouted.

He shook his head at me, "Please?" I asked again.

"Fine but only because you're cute" He sighed, "I'll watch Mean Girls"

"Yes! That's four out of six, we are watching Mean Girls!" I jumped up and celebrated, all the boys just laughed at me, but Calum put the movie in, we all sat down on the couch and floor with blankets chucked on us, Michael had made popcorn in several bowls because there was no way we could share one between six. Ashton and I were sharing, and Calum and Luke were as well leaving Kat and Michael with a bowl in between them.

Ashton and I were cuddling on the couch with a blanket over us, I was lying on top of him with out legs tangled. His larger body frame curling around mine. As we watched the movie, his fingers trailed up and down my back causing me to shiver. Ashton laughed and placed a kiss on my cheek before pulling me closer to him.

Halfway through the movie, I reached over to grab some popcorn out of the bowl and was disappointed to find it empty, I glared at Ashton, knowing he ate most of it, rolling my eyes as I stood up. Ashton asked where I was going and nodded when I told him I was only going to make more popcorn. I set the bowl on the counter, reaching up to grab another packet and setting it in the microwave.

I felt a tall figure wrap his arms around me, I gasped softly feeling his lips on my shoulder. I figured that it was Ashton knowing that none of the other boys would do that. He pressed a soft kiss on my shoulder lingering for a moment, before kissing up until he reached my neck. I swallowed when I felt his lips kiss my neck slowly, his sweet kisses were driving me insane.

I couldn't resist any longer, I turned around and attached my lips to his, my fingers running through his hair. He disconnected our lips but only to mutter a quick "Jump" to which I did before his lips found mine again. Ashton held me up and placed me on the kitchen counter without breaking the kiss, I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles. The beeping of the microwave caused us to break apart, Ashton just shrugged and kissed my lips once more. 

We walked back into the room acting as though nothing had happened. All of the other boys ignored us, Kat however glanced at me with an eyebrow raised. "Later" I mouthed and she nodded.


The movie finished and the boys all talked about what movie they wanted to watch next. Michael and Kat had moved closer to each other now, he had his arm wrapped around her back. It was so cute watching them together.

Kat and Michael were perfect for each other. She was sweet but still loud and outgoing, and Michael was quite similar, they would both work hard to make sure that the other was happy. I really believed that they would make a cute couple but Kat needs someone who's here all the time and well Michael wouldn't be able to do that. There was also the mission that got in the way, I'm pretty sure that once Michael finds out he won't want anything to do with me and it would be awkward if he was with Kat.

Pulling away from my thoughts I watched as the opening scenes of Anchorman played. Due waking up so early I was extremely tired and not even the laughs of the other boys could keep me awake.


I'm not sure how long I had been asleep but I heard my name in the conversation so I decided to keep my eyes closed and pretend to be asleep. "So when are you asking Bella to be your girlfriend?" Calum asked quietly, my heart skipped a beat.

"Who says I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend?" Ashton responded, I had to stop myself from frowning.

"It's obvious you like her a lot" Michael pointed out.

"No I don't" Michael argued, to be honest that hurt a little, the way he said it with just conviction.

"Don't lie to us" Calum said, "You've been on two dates with her"

"Well if I did I wouldn't matter" Ashton sighed, "She doesn't like me enough to say yes"

"Yes she does" Luke joined in, I was actually glad that I told him, "And your kidding yourself if you're saying that she doesn't. She's been on two dates with you Ashton, she wouldn't have gone on the second if she didn't like you"

"I guess I could ask her to be my girlfriend" He said mainly to himself but the other boys obviously heard because they all cheered. "Shut up" Ashton scolded instantly, "Bella's still asleep" Keeping my eyes closed I cuddled closer into Ashton, and his arms held me against him kissing the top of my head. They all turned their attention back to the next movie that had just been put in, I waited for a little longer before opening my eyes again.


This chapter is so bad, I"m so sorry. 

I love throwing spontaneous makeout sessions in cute chapters. 

Do you ship Kat and Michael? I don't know if I want them together or not. Guess I'll just have to see what happens.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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