Disclaimer: The script from the monologues performed in this chapter belong to their rightful owner.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

"Calum" I groaned, he had barged into mine and Ashton's room and practically dragged me out into the kitchen. "Why'd you have to wake me up? There aren't many days when I can just stay in bed all day, and not have to worry about travelling or setting up for the tour"

"But we haven't had a Bella and Calum day in ages" He pouted. I sighed knowing he was right, I had been spending a lot of my free time with Ashton, just trying to pretend like I wasn't keeping a massive secret from him and enjoy the time that we shared now.

Pouring some hot water into a mug, I replied, "Fine, what do you want to do?"

"I've got an idea of something that you might enjoy"

I groaned once again, "What is it with you boys and secrets, why can't you just tell people what your doing?"

Calum smirked, "Where's the fun in that?"

After finishing my coffee, I walked into my room to shower and get changed. When I was ready I walked back out to Calum. Peaking my head into Ashton's room I saw him still lying in bed asleep. I kissed his cheek, "I'm spending the day with Calum today, I'll be back later" He mumbled a reply but I wasn't sure if he heard so I sent a text to his phone that he would see when he woke up.

Calum greeted me once again, and we headed to our destination. When we arrived I was shocked, we were at the Wales Millennium Centre. Not understanding why we were here. I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion when Calum took my hand and dragged me towards the front entrance.

"We're going inside?" I asked confused, and received a nod in return. "But why? How?" The questions just fell out of my mouth.

"There's nothing on for the next few days, so we have the whole place to ourselves today. We're going to go into the Donald Gordon Theatre" I had been here once, when I was really little and both my parents were still together. It was one of the moment when I realised that I wanted to do something to do with drama.

We walked in and I probably looked like a child; my mouth was open in shock and I stared at everything with wide eyes. This of course only got worse when we stood on the stage in the Donald Gordon Theatre. I sat on the edge and looked up at all the chairs, I was acting the same way Calum was back in Lisbon at the start of the tour.

Calum sat before me, "You told me about the first time you came here, and I thought that while we were here in Cardiff we may as well check it out again" I leaned over and hugged the brunette, I may have been dating Ashton, but that didn't stop us from being best friends.

I watched as Calum stood up, "Come on" He said as he helped me to my feet, "You're going to do some acting for me"

"Like monologues?" I asked, and he nodded. Knowing there was no way of getting out of this I stood up.

"Pretend you're in an audition" He told me, taking a seat in the front row.

I nodded and walked over to the side, making this like an actual audition. Walking to centre stage I stood there confidently, "Hello, my name is Isabelle Brooks and I will be doing And Turning, Stay by Kellie Powell" I took a deep breath, trying to remember the monologue I had learnt so long ago.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" I started, "And don't tell me you're sorry! And don't tell me to forget it, and don't you dare tell me to 'let it go'. God knows, I'd like to. I wish I could, but I can't! I can't forget that we had something, and you're running away." I continued on, once I started the rest of the monologue came to me. I remembered the times I had done it, and the ways I had tried to make it better.

"I'll move on. I'll find someone else. I'll be all right, because I will know that I tried. That I did everything I could. But someday you will look back, and you will realise what you threw away." I took a deep breath before speaking out the final sentence of the monologue, "And you will regret it always"

I finished the scene and looked up at Calum who sat there shocked. From the smile that soon formed on his face, I concluded that is was a good shock. "Bella that was amazing"

"Thank you Calum" I replied, "That means a lot coming from you"

"I never knew you were that good at acting, you could be faking this whole friendship" He laughed, I knew it was a joke but it hit me.

I forced a laugh, "Yeah" My friendship with Calum wasn't fake, it's just the reason why we're friends in the first place caused me to act. I had to tell him about what I was doing, the guilt was getting to me, just as I went to reply to him my phone rang. When I saw that it was Ashton I felt sick to my stomach, but I knew that I needed to answer it.

"Hey Ash" I said holding the phone up to my ear, Calum walked away to give me a bit of space.

"Belle" He sighed dragging out my name, "I'm bored"

I laughed, "Well that's not my problem, you have two other bandmates to entertain you"

"But they're playing FIFA and I don't want to play FIFA, I just want to cuddle you" He whined, Ashton was never this needy, so something was definitely up.

"Ashton?" I asked him, "Is something wrong?" Of course I knew the answer, but I was giving him a chance to tell me himself. It hurt when Ashton told me that nothing was wrong, I knew that there was something bothering him, but didn't understand why he wasn't telling me. I spoke to him for a little bit longer but we hung up with me promising to be back soon.

Calum and I spent a little bit more time at the theatre before leaving, we made our way back to the hotel where I was engulfed in a hug as soon as I walked through the door. Thanking Calum for a wonderful day I followed Ashton to his room.

Sitting down beside him I decided to ask again, "Ash? Is something wrong?"

He shook his head but after looking up at my face he replied knowing that I wasn't buying his act, "I was jealous okay" He mumbled.

"Jealous?" I asked in disbelief, "Of what?"

"Your friendship with Calum" He admitted rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ashton, you don't need to be jealous, I promise. I'm all yours" I reassured him. Boys weren't known to be sensitive to the extent where they needed to be comforted, but it was nice when Ashton opened up to me.

It didn't last for long though, he changed the subject quickly, "Are you ready to go home?" He asked me.

"Of course" I told him with a smile.


I need an Ashton Irwin that gets super cute be he's jealous of the time that I spend with Calum Hood.

Please remember that this is a fanfic and that even though it's not likely that you would be able to use the theatre just randomly, it happened because I wanted it too. Also, it's Calum Hood, one smile from that boy and you'd let him do anything.

I'm going to say this once again, all rights for the monologue go to Kellie Powell, I do not own the script, and am only quoting her. I also did not include the whole script, only the beginning and the end, although you can find the whole script if you google it.

This chapter was longer than the last two, I'm getting back into the mood for writing. This is good, hopefully my mood can last till the next time I'm allowed to use a computer.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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