Note: I'm updating like every day because I've written so much of the story. Hope you enjoy it.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

I repeated in my mind as I walked into the office, "I have a meeting" I told the lady at the front desk, showing her my ID she nodded and directed me to the room that the meeting was to be held in.

"Bella" He smiled as I walked in and sat down, "How is your assignment going?"

I wasted no time in answering, making sure I sounded confident I responded, "Quite well actually, the boy isn't as bad as he was made out to be, more misunderstood than anything. I've managed to get on his good side despite getting off to a rocky start"

Approving of my answer he continued, "And the rest of the band?"

I thought carefully before answering, "One of them hasn't warmed up to me yet, however I would consider the other two good friends"

"Please remember Miss Brooks that you are there at the request of a working business, and being friends is not the point of your assignment" He replied his tone was strong however nothing I wasn't used to.

"I understand sir, however I believe that it would be easier to complete this task if I am friends with his bandmates" I disagreed slightly, I knew better than to argue with someone of such high power however, I needed him to know that I knew enough about this topic to challenge his opinions.

"Miss Brooks, it would seem that you are well aware of what you are doing. I will be reporting back to management and giving them the good news" I smiled at his words feeling proud of myself. "Our next meeting will be over the phone, due to you going on tour with the band"

I paused, "How will I go on tour with them? Won't people be suspicious?"

"You seem to forget that this is all under the work of their management and therefore you will be placed on their team for the tour. Your position is undetermined though, and if you have any suggestions please put them forward" Instead of placing any preference as to what job I wanted, I decided to let their management go through all the records just to figure out a place for me. It probably wasn't the nicest thing to do, but that shitty thing deserved it.

"Now, there are still other things for us to discuss about this assignment of yours" He told me, I knew better than to assume that this would be a short meeting.

"Firstly, I would just like to let you know that the university has given you the extension of your courses, and you will continue as normal starting from next year" I nodded, this mission wasn't a normal job for me, I was still a student in university, but when the offer came up I couldn't not take it. Although this was a conversation, I didn't do a lot of talking as we discussed what would happen with my studying in university.

Once the topic of university was finished he continued on, "I would also like to discuss with you the fans" I sighed at the mention of them. "Seeing as you will be involved with the band I suggest that you find yourself on their good side otherwise be prepared for hate" I nodded understanding the dedication these fans had towards the boys. He continued to tell me about how they might mob me, or I could get hurt due to there constantly being a group of fans around, however I was to stay level-headed and go bat-shit crazy on them.

"Now, moving onto our next topic, the boys" I paused confused by what he wanted to discuss about the band. "They are not okay, I'm going to be straight up with you, these boys are not the happy people that they make everyone believe they are. All of them have a massive weight on their shoulder to be the very best that they can be, but it's hard. They're all so young, please be patient with them, please help them when they freak out, it is not required in your assignment but I ask that you do so anyway"

I promised myself that I would do whatever I could to help the 5SOS boys, even Luke. It must be so hard being in the spotlight all time especially when they're so young, it only made you wonder what made the music industry run as smoothly as it does. With all the pressure put on artists it's honestly surprising that anyone wants to do it.

The meeting finished shortly after that, I walked out of the office offering a small smile to the lady at the front desk. Making my way back to my apartment I received a text from Ashton.

Ashton: What would you say if I asked you on a second date?

Bella: Hmmm

Bella: I don't know, that first date wasn't too bad

Ashton: Do elaborate

Bella: The movie was good, and the boy was okay

Ashton: Only okay?

Bella: Yeah, he was to tall for my liking

Ashton: I can't just shrink Bella

Bella: I wouldn't want you too

Ashton: Dinner at this nice restaurant tonight?

Bella: Sounds perfect

Ashton: You're perfect (Message not sent)

Ashton: Great, I'll pick you up at 7

I walked into the apartment feeling extremely happy about the fact that I had a date with Ashton tonight, it wasn't until I realised that the day had slipped away from me and I had little time before Ashton would pick me up.



Not a very long chapter, but it's got some details that may or may not be important.

Have you got any suspicions about the mission that you want to call right now? Honestly props to you if you can guess it all, there's a slight plot twist, it's not bad you just probably won't see this little part of the plot coming.

By the way, Bella calls it a "mission" and he calls it an "assignment" because that's just what they portray it to be. For this story all of those words that I put in italics all mean the same thing.

That message though, Ash you might want to get your data fixed or something mate.

I'm looking at the plan for this and smirking. I feel so bad about what's going to happen, but I also love what I've planned. Sorry, I'll stop being a tease.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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