I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

I had never seen Ashton like this, and I was a little bit scared. He stood up straight with his arms crossed. Of course I knew that he wouldn't get aggressive but that didn't stop me from keeping my distance. "Ash are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh you're talking to me now are you?" He asked sarcasm falling with every word.

I crinkled my eyebrows, "What are you talking about?" I literally spoke to him before his shower, that was two hours ago, and it wasn't like I was in his presence in that time.

"You wouldn't care, you'd be too busy cheating on me with Calum to notice anyway" Ashton's words were harsh. I didn't make any sense, what did Calum have to do with this?

"Ash, you're being ridiculous" I said racking my brain trying to figure out when I cheated on him with Calum, which of course I didn't.

"Ridiculous?" He repeated, "I'm being ridiculous? Where were you just before?" He asked.

I paused trying to figure out if it was a trick question, "Working out"

Ashton raised an eyebrow, "With who?"

"Calum" I replied.

"Exactly" He exclaimed, "You were out with Calum, alone, again. You expect me to just sit here and think that you two were only working out?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "Yes I do Ashton, and you know why?" I asked not expecting an answer, "It's because I'm your girlfriend, and you're supposed to trust me"

"Well circumstances have made it hard for me to trust you" Ashton said shrugging his shoulders.

That was the final straw, I tried to reason with him but nothing worked. I didn't understand why Ashton couldn't trust me or his best friend. "You know Ashton, just because you have a dick, doesn't mean you have to act like one" I said before turning on my heels and walking out of his room.

I pushed past Luke in the hallway and went straight to Calum's room. I walked into his room not bothering to knock because I heard his music being played. His smile soon turned into a frown when he saw the tears that started falling.

"What happened Bella Bear" He asked using the nickname that he had chosen but only said on the rare occasion.

"Ashton. Thought. Cheating. You. Fought. Think. Broke Up" I spluttered not making any sense. Calum didn't understand exactly what I was trying to say but he held me until I was ready to talk. Finally I took a deep breath, majority of the tears were gone.

Calum looked at me, "Are you ready to tell me what happened or do you need more time?"

"I'm ready" I replied nodding, "So I walked back into his room and he looked really angry. I asked what was wrong and he was just being really weird. Then he brought up the fact that I was cheating on him with you. I said that he should trust me, but he said he couldn't trust me. So I told him to stop being a dick and ran out of the room" I told him.

"First of all" Calum started, "You did nothing wrong so don't blame yourself. Second, it's his own fault for being paranoid and thinking that either of us would ever betray his trust like that. And third, let him figure out what he's missing. You two had something and he's not going to be able to forget it that easily" I nodded and hugged Calum tightly, thankful that he cared about me. Calum and I stayed hidden in his room until it was time to leave LA.


Dave handed us our boarding passes, Calum read mine before going over to Luke. He walked back over to me, "You can sit in between Michael and I" He told me.

"Thank you Calum" I said smiling gratefully.

The plane trip was awkward, I was so used to watching movies with Ashton, or leaning onto his shoulder. It didn't feel the same not having him next to me. Michael and I got on well though, so it wasn't as bad as it would've been if Luke was sitting there.

When we landed I moved straight to the van that was waiting, Ashton was the first to get in and was shoved into the seat next to me. I guess Dave was just used to doing that. Luke sat across from us, he had a smirk on his face the whole ride. Halfway he pulled out his phone, sending a text me my I checked my screen and read it.

Luke: Good job making him hate you, maybe your "mission" won't be as hard as you thought

I looked up and rolled my eyes. Luke was really getting on my nerves, he just acted like a rockstar, he didn't care about anyone or anything except for his band. He had little respect for everyone else, and it made me wonder what went wrong with his upbringing, especially with parents like Liz and Andy.

We arrived at the venue, and I finally got a chance to talk with Kelsey. "I'm not doing Ashton's hair tonight" I told her.

"Why not?" She asked, Kelsey was probably one of the biggest shippers of our relationship.

"We had a fight" I said, then explained in detail exactly what happened.

Kelsey looked at me sympathetically, "Oh honey" She said, "That's a terrible thing to happen"

I nodded wiping a tear that had escaped, "Yeah, hopefully we make up soon"

"You definitely will" Kelsey told me.

I didn't care about the mission, I didn't care about what I was getting out of this relationship. All I wanted was Ashton back. I loved the way he held me in his arms. I loved the way he kissed me. I loved the way he made me feel special.

I loved him.


Don't hate me!! *hides* The argument was bound to happen though, I was practically building up to it. There's still more in the story though so you don't have to be too upset.

Bella loves Ashton though, so more shit's going to happen.

I've been taking my frustration with Luke out on this story. Have you noticed?

Who's fault do you think it is? Ashton or Bella's?

It's 1am and I'm trying to decide whether I want to sleep or

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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