Chapter 1

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Aphmau POV:

It has been weeks since i was able to find a stable home. I have been traveling for miles and came upond a village. Yes finally! And there are also people in the village! (She went weeks without seeing and people so she got overly excited...) I ran up into the village and just on the edge of the town i saw a guard. He looked friendly... I hope he is...

"Hello, my name is Aphmau and i was wondering if i can stay in this village?"

The guard looked at me then he spoke up.

"Hello aphmau. Of course you can stay. Oh, where are my manners. My name Zenix and i am one of the guards here in Phoenix Drop. We do not have that many houses to spare but hopefully someone could share their house with you."

"Thank you Zenix. I might want get to know people around the village. Thank you again and i will talk to you later." With that Zenix said bye and i started to talk to the other villagers.

??? POV: (it may be easy to guess lol)

I was at my post when i saw Zenix talk to some girl. She looked new to the village. After they got done talking she came closer and i saw her silky black hair that just fell right over her shoulders and her skin that was kissed by the sun. She was wearing a purple top and blue shorts. I felt like i was in a day dream just staring at how beautiful she looked. Oh my gosh... Shes coming up the ladders towards me. As she came up she took my breath away and my heart started to beat harder. She looked even more stunning with her hazzle nut eyes that just sparkle. Wait... was she talking to me???

"Hello, my name is Aphmau. I am new to the village and i wabted to get to know the people here."

Oh my gosh... I cant speak... WHAT DO I DO... WHAT DO I SAY!!!

"Hello aphmau, my name is Garroth. I am the head guard here in town."

"Hello Garroth."

She said my name and i started to blush.

"It was very nice to meet you. Say, do you know of any place i could stay until i get my own place?"

Could this be my chance??? Could i possibly find love??? Do i even love her??? I had just only met her.

"You could stay at my place. I have some extra room to spare."

Did i just really do that?

"Thank you so much! Not many people have been very kind to me."

With that she hugged me and i blushed even more and hugged her back. It was a good thing i had my helm on so she could not see the emotions i was feeling. Especially when my face is about red.

I showed her to my place and led her over to the guest room.

"Sorry this is not much and i will get you a bed by tonight. That or my bed is big enough if you want to sleep there instead." (No not in that way...)

"Thank you. It is better then nothing. It will do."

I told her that i would need to return to my post to finish out the day and she could settle in. I saw her come out and start to improve the town by replacing the wooden paths that were starting to rot and replacing them with stone with stairs. She also was starting to farm the crops since the other farmers werent doing it. They became lazy after the previous lord disappeared.

A/n: Ok, i am new to this and my writing may not be the best but hey, practice makes perfect right? Anyways, I am hoping to get better and more creative over time just it will take time of course. If you have any suggestions to what the next chapter should be about, just give the ideas in the comment section or tweet me @Gamergurl15YT. Thank you for reading and i will try to get the next chaper out tomorrow. Bye!

Phoenix Drop-- a #Garmau story fanficWhere stories live. Discover now