Chapter 31

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Wow its been a while. I have been quite busy lately that I had no time to write. So heres a new chappy for ya!

Garroth's POV:

After about 10 minutes of fighting Zenix he disappeared. That was weird...

"Ok... What the hell just happened?" Laurance spoke up.

"I dont know but we cant let our guard down. He still may be around." I responded.

"Wait, he could be anywhere! We need to get to the safe hold quick!"

"Right lets go now!"

We all ran to the safe hold to make sure Zenix wasnt planning anything. Thank Irene everyone is ok. I went up to Aphmau and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Im sorry my love but we are going to have our guards up tonight. We dont know where he could of went."

"What do you mean?"

"Zenix disappeared out of no where."

"Ok be safe out there and please dont get hurt. Or the others."

"I will be. I wont let my guard down."

"I just dont understand why it had to be on our wedding day."

"I wonder the same thing but I dont think we will ever get that answer."

She started to look down and I knew she was worried. I lifted up her chin and kissed her again.

"Dont worry love, I will make sure no one gets hurt. Ok?"

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too."

I went out for the night feeling bad because I will not be with my wife the night we get married.

Aphmau's POV:

Great, Zenix is now a shadow knight or has he always been a shadow knight? Just it didnt surface till now? I have so many questions and I am afraid that they will not be answered. I go by Levin and Malachi to calm them down since they are worked up over all of this. I dont blame them. They were just having fun the one minute then running for their lives the next.

"Levin, Malachi, how are you guys doing?"

"Still a bit scarred but I think Levin has calmed down more then I have."

"I am good mommy!"

"Ok boys. Remember I am here for you guys."

"What about daddy?" Levin asked.

"Daddy will not be with us tonight. He will be working all night."

"Oh ok. I miss him."

"I do too Levin. All of us do."

I laid them down to go to sleep and I see Emma and Molly do the same with Kyle and Alexis. In a way its a good thing most the children are young so they dont understand much. Dale has sobered up enough to help the other guys on guard. Zoey has been busy making a barrier so we are all safe in here for the night. Also so the guys outside dont fall asleep on the job.

I walked over to Zoey to see how she is doing.

"Hey Zoey."

"Ah hello Aphmau. Sorry about today. It must be hard for you right now."

"I am fine just I worry about Garroth and what Zenix is doing."

"Well I am getting a barrier ready and its almost done so no one can come in or out except us."

"Thank you Zoey, for everything."

"Anything to help keep this village safe from harm."

I smiled and went to check on everyone else. Most people were scared some more so then others and you see others trying to calm people down. All of a sudden Nicole came out with a guitar and stared to play a song.

(Song ahead. Not putting out the words again.)

After the song finished everyone seemed to calm down and some even fell asleep. Zoey just got done with the barrier so the guys can come in and rest.

This was one hell of a night I have to say. I have a feeling it will only get worse from here.

A/N So yeah I just wrote all of this within a half hour. I feel bad for everyone in the village especially Zenix because he had no control over his body. Also I know I said some very mild swear words but its nothing big and there will be times I will do something like that.

Anyways that was one chapter done that I havent written in a while. I really like this song above and I thought it was perfect for the moment. Anyway guys I will get started on the next chapter here soon so I will see ya later!

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