Chapter Sixty-Two

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Scale Number: 1

By the time the sun rose, Cat had just finished feeding the girls; a task in which her Pretekter was completely fascinated. He'd also reassured her that it was nothing sexual, then quickly reassured her he would be trying that the moment they had time alone. Both statements turned her red enough that when Daniel emerged ready from the bathroom he asked if she was feeling well. Even trying to insist on sitting in the truck with them, but with the two car seats, it was easy for her to tell him no.

Sliding into the front seat, she immediately turned around to look in the back. Even though she had only seen them minutes ago, she couldn't stop from making sure the two of them hadn't grown since she looked away. When they still looked like six month olds, she breathed a minimal sigh of relief. Not that it was much of a comfort, they were only a whole day old and somehow had aged months overnight. It brought a whole new meaning to 'they grow up fast', and she was terrified that they would grow old before they made it somewhere safe.

When Kal finally got into the driver's seat, she turned slightly to study him, wondering what he'd meant by it was normal for Relevent children. Had he gone through the same thing? If so, when did he stop aging? Quickly repulsed when her former idea of his age started to crumble, what if they aged quickly and she had caught him when he was only a teenager or something.

She knew he was aware of her attention, especially when he cocked an eyebrow, "What can I do for you, Caterina?"

Planning to bring the subject up in a way that didn't make her sound like she was freaking out, she definitely hadn't planned for her next words to slip out. "How old are you?"

"What? Why?" However, her look seemed to be enough of an answer, "Relax, pet, I am over one hundred years old. You have nothing to fear when it comes to their growth, they will stop aging once they hit maturity."

"Which is when?" She muttered, wondering more to herself than actually wanting an answer.

Reaching over, he took a hold of her hand, bringing it to his mouth, then answered completely casually, while starting the truck with his other hand from over the steering wheel. "A month or so," despite how at ease he said it, she choked on his response, bringing their hands back to her thigh so he could give it a squeeze. "Everything will be okay, Caterina, I will swear to it if I must."

She almost told him he couldn't promise her that, but instead kept her mouth closed and let him think he'd done his job in comforting her. Wondering what they were going to do when they were a week old and already going through their terrible twos. Or what to tell them when they were asking why they were growing boobs when they were only a month old.

A thought that drew her attention to her own chest which was swollen and tender, despite the fact that she'd just fed the girls no more than an hour ago. Bringing her free hand up, she touched her right breast over the top of her shirt.

This made Kal turn his head sideways to look at her, squeezing her thigh again, warning her silently that he too had the urge to hold her breast. Having been on his best behavior until now; all because of her birthing experience, if she had to guess. Plus they hadn't really had time alone when she wasn't freaking out about the changes happening right before her.

"If you need help massaging them, you let me know," he winked at her before paying attention to the road. Mostly, occasionally stealing looked over at her, or just to glance longingly down her body. In which case her let would receive yet another firm hold, to tell her he was probably thinking inappropriate thoughts.

She let out a humored chuckle, "I don't think that's how it works."

"Only one way to find out," lifting his arm he bent it so that he could lay it flat on her chest.

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