Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Sid decides to ride with me to the mall, She sits beside me flipping through the radio finally settling on a station, it was quite for 5 minutes until I jumped out of my skin because Sid was screaming at me because Rock Me came on the radio.

Oh My Goodness Char!!!!!!! ROCK ME IS ON THE RADIO!! OMG OMG NIALL SINGS THIS PART TOO!!! She screamed.

Sid chill out you gave me a heart attack!

Then she screams out Ow! Your giving me a heart attack looking like you do-oo!

Let me guess I say laughing,Niall sings that part and its by one direction?

Uh, duh char who do you thinks sings such a amazing part of a song,Obama?

I just can't help not laughing at her. I wish I was like her. What she docent know is she is my role model, I try to act like her and look like her but I can't I will never be as pretty as she is, she has a picture perfect life!

Why are you being so quite? Sid says?

Ohh, I was just thinking.

Sid slams her hand on my dash board making me jump a little, She says char, Stop it. Just stop already! Forget Cameron, forget Ariana. Cameron will learn his lesson and realize everything he needed was right in front of him. He will regret everything I promise!!

I can't let Ariana hurt him like that! &

Char, I want you to let Cameron go, you will find someone better than him.

But Ariana try's to get to me! She is trying to make me feel like I am a nobody and she is half way there already! She has it all! She has the Money,Popularity,She has the picture perfect fantasy dream life!

She might have all of that Char, but you have Love and you have a talent to sing and she will never Ever Ever have the talent that God gave you! do you understand? and you are not a nobody, to some people you are their role model, and you wouldn't want people to see you down! That would be depressing to your fans! You may not be a big singer right now but trust me you will be one day! And I can't wait because I am going to be here with you every single step of the way understand me?

She looks over at me, and I am trying to choke back the tears she just made my day, I know who my true friend is an Sid is defiantly one of them. I understand Love I say with a big smile!

Great! She says looking forward smiling.

We're here I say with a big yelp!

Yay!! Shopping mode activated Sid says!

I park the car laughing at my goofy bestfriend and we both bail out of the car both ready to go shopping!

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