Chapter 14.

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As soon as Jack leaves, I hear a knock at the door. When I open it, Ariana is leaned up against my door. 

Seriously Char again? What the hell is wrong with you? You haven't answered my calls you have even tried to call m... 

Would you just shut the hell up Ariana! I got up in her face. You have no clue of what all I have been through this week!! None what so ever! My mom has been in a car accident and I have been up all week,So don't just show up at my house with your bullshit Ariana.  

She was just shocked that I said all of this to her and she hugged me and said I am so sorry Char! I had no clue that this happend! But next week will you please try to go dress shopping with me.  

I nodded my head, and she walked off the porch getting into her Silver Corvette. I walked down the hall after Ariana left to check on Sid. 

Sid, I say in a soft voice.  

There was no reply.  

I opened the door to find her sound asleep. I figured she had tried to get Jack off of her mind. I needed to go to check on mom so I quickly went to the washroom and showered off and brushed my hair and teeth. Slipped on some sweats and a pink t-shirt. I left Sid a note that said.  

Dear Sidney,  

I am leaving to go see mom and check on her. If you leave lock the door and if you don't want to go home you can stay as long as you want, you know where everything is be safe okay? 

Love you, 


I leave it on the door and lock it when I leave. I drive to the hospital, and get out of the car when I finally arrived. I walk in the hospital and they how me to my moms room. As I walk down the hall to her room, the doctor told me he needed to talk to me.  

Miss Charleigh, your mom should be okay, she will be in the hospital for another day though. 

Okay, I say thanks for helping.  

You're very welcome, she is asleep right now. But if you go down to the cafeteria she should be awake in about another 30 minutes.  

Alright I say shaking his cold hand.  

I take the elevator down to the cafeteria, and sit down at a table with a teenager who looks as if she is pregnant. 

Hello the girl says reaching her hand out to shake mine. My name is Casey.  

Hi I say shyly, my name is Charleigh but my friends call me Char. I was nervous to ask but finally got up enough nerve to ask.  

Um are you pregnant?  

How dare you ask a fat woman something like that!! You should be ashamed of your self you bully!!! 

Oh my!! I am so sorry I..I didn't mean it like that I swear!!!  

Hahahahaha!!! You're to funny! She says.  

I look at her with a weird confused expression. 

I am a actress she said. 

She was tall long dark brown hair, she was very skinny, she brown eyes just like Cameron. She was still laughing at me because I fell for her joke. I smiled at her and went on with my business.

So um I don't mean to be Nosey or anything but who is the daddy? I won't tell anyone.

Oh I don't mind to tell you we're still together. But most people don't believe me when I tell them so I docent matter..

I believe you I said and smiled at her.

His name is Zayn Malik.

Wow! Like the Zayn Malik from one direction. I heard someone behind me say.

I turn around to find Sidney sitting down into a seat beside me. She isn't shy at all.

Hi there,I am Sidney. She says holding out her hand.

Hi,my name is Casey they both shook hands and I finished my conversation.

In actually it is the Zayn from one direction, he is actually catching a flight tonight!

Omg!!!!!! Sidney by this point is screaming. Char and I are going to see them in the next week!! We have VIP tickets!! Char has never seen them before so I was going to take her.

I actually think the boys are coming with Zayn if you guys want to come out to dinner with us.

We don't want to be a burden Sid and I say.

No! No you wouldn't I bet they would be happy to see you Guys considering Niall and Harry are single,she says with a smile.

Eppp!!!! I am in love with Niall!!

Sid calm down love!

I am sure Niall would love to meet you. Casey says to Sidney.

She just blushes and bats her eyes.

Well Casey it was nice meeting you and I hope everything goes well. with your baby!!

Thanks love! Oh yeah before you go here is my number so you can call me and get directions to my house.

Okay, I say with a smile. I hand her my iPhone and put her number in my phone.

See ya later Case I say.

By char, and..

Sid! You can call me sid!

Okay! By char and Sid!!

See ya! We both say and head to the elevator.

After we get off the elevator we go check on mom, she looked great!

Hey mom!

Hey baby!

How are you feeling?

Great just in a little pain!

Well they're going to let you come home tomorrow and Aunty is going to come stay with you because I am going out of town to a concert with Sid!

Okay baby, just make sure you call and check in with me okay?

Alright mommy! Oh how is Erin?

She is okay they're giving us both Pain killers so the pain won't be that bad.

Oh, okay Sid went to check on her just now but they said she was asleep so we didn't bother her.

Well that's okay I will tell her you guys came to check on her.

Okay mom, well I am going to go I have to go somewhere! I love you Bunches!!!!

I love you most my angel.

I kiss her forehead and she tells Sid she loves her and good bye, I give her a little bit of money so she can get something if she gets hungry and leave.

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