CHAPTER 34. The end

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"You can't be serious right now." I snapped.

When I got down, I saw Stark sitting in our living room talking to my uncle and aunt. He immediately went to me and kissed me.

"Good morning, babe." His manly voice is really intoxicating. I could smell he's wearing a new perfume.

"But why are you even here right now? I did tell you I'm gonna have my gown fitting today with my aunt, right? Uncle Rod's coming with us too." I asked him, confused.

"Yes you are, but I'm coming with you."

"You can't!" I protested.

"Why not?" He crossed his arms cocking his eyebrows, obviously amused by my reaction.

"You two join us to the dining area for breakfast once you're done bickering, okay?" My uncle told us before leaving. Shaking his head as my aunt gave me a knowing smile. My aunt loves Stark so much and she's actually the one most excited for this wedding.

"They say the groom's not supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony. It's bad luck." I tried explaining to Stark.

He smiled at me. "I don't believe in luck, good or bad. You shouldn't believe in those things too. We've been through so much, babe. Nothing bad will happen. I promise you."

"Besides, I'll just be there to zip up your gown, maybe help you undress or something." He whispered to me playfully when he saw we're already out of earshot. Gosh, I can't believe I'm marrying a monster.

"But..." I tried to still hold my ground. I can't be swayed by his charm again.

"No but's. Besides, I need to fit my tux also. Today's my only free time to be honest, babe. Gramps needs me in the office tomorrow. I'll be very busy before the wedding because my new project's a bit complicated. A merger with a huge corporation in Hong Kong. I'm sorry." He told me the truth with his puppy dog eyes. How do you say no to that?

"Okay." It's pointless discussing with him now. Besides, the old Don Sebastian needs to retire really soon and it's about time Stark helps in the family business also. His two brothers already have a lot on their plate. I don't want to feel guilty.

"But we're gonna have separate changing rooms, okay?" I said firmly which he immediately answered with a mischievous smile.

"Of course, babe." He said even winking. This monster is just hopeless.

Stark suddenly pulled me to him and cupped my face to look me in the eye. I blushed a little realizing what he's about to do next.

"My future wife is a shy woman." He smiled a little before capturing my mouth, kissing me passionately.

"I can get used to this." I told him after our mouths parted, and buried my face in his chest as he trapped me in a tight embrace.

"I love you." He whispered to my ear.

"I love you too." I answered with as much passion, but then I remembered something that has been bugging my mind lately. "Stark?"

"Yes, babe?"

"Why did you date Jade?" There. I said it. It's not like I still have anything against Jade. We're friends now, but sometimes I still couldn't believe it that they actually dated before.

"She said she liked my watch." Stark briefly answered.

"What?" I asked, confused by what he just said.

"When we first met that's the first thing Jade ever said to me, so she got my attention for some time. She said she liked my watch. And that reminded me of you. The Batman watch. Do you remember?" He explained.

I smiled remembering. I guess my fascination for that old Batman watch saved our lives back then.

After we had breakfast, I still rode with my uncle and aunt in their car because Stark received an urgent call from work. He said he's just gonna follow us to the shop as soon as he's done.

I tugged on his shirt a bit refusing to let him go but he gave me a quick kiss and still left. Work won again.

There wasn't any other customer inside my aunt's friend's shop. She's a famous designer we hired to do my gown and Stark's tux. It was just us on that fine sunny afternoon.

I got out of the changing room wearing my gown to show it to my aunt and uncle. I really hope they approve this because I feel so good in it.

The instant huge smile on their faces was enough for me to decide that my dress is perfect. I've never felt this beautiful. I really can't wait to wear this on my wedding day.

"Please do a little twirl for me, honey." My aunt asked me and I did so gladly. She was clapping her hands proudly after telling me how beautiful I looked in the dress.

"You're perfect, honey. Your parents will be very proud if they could only see you right now." My uncle said tearfully so I went to them and gave them a bear hug. I guess weddings do make people a little emotional. I feel blessed having my family with me in this new chapter of my life.

Outside the shop's glass windows, I saw Stark standing across the street looking at me intently. He's squinting a little but looks so handsome and glowing under the afternoon sun. I really feel so lucky that I'm gonna be his wife soon.

He's smiling at me and gave a thumbs-up sign as if saying that the wedding dress looks perfect on me and that he approves it.

I motioned him to immediately cross the street so he can join us inside the store. He still needs to fit his tux and I honestly cannot wait to take a look at his abs.

He started walking forward, still smiling, as my heart melts for him all over again. Whatever this man does makes my heart swoon like crazy. If this isn't love, I don't know what is.

He took another step but then I heard it again.

That same sound of terror.

It sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it.

That sound.

That same gunshot that's been haunting me in my dreams every day before I even met him.

Fear started to engulf my entire body. This moment all felt so painfully familiar. I've seen this. I've been here. I've heard it many times before. This isn't happening right now. I thought he already escaped death that night with Alexander and Starcie. The nightmares have already stopped long time ago. It's been years now since that night. This can't be possible.

Those intensely beautiful dark brown eyes shot straight through my heart and soul. I want to run to Stark, embrace him and never let go. And I really wish I could do something to save him.

Tears start to rush down my cheeks with a mix of hope and frustration and I think I could figure a glimmer of tears from his eyes as well. I cannot be sure.

And the beautiful boy in front of me falls down slowly, and dies...

Stark Sebastian Monteverde is gone, and I am still standing there, wearing the most beautiful wedding dress in the world, broken into a million pieces inside.

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