CHAPTER 14. Cinderella's ball

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I tugged at Stark's arm tightly and remained seated at the passenger's seat of his Maserati. I'm really nervous. I couldn't get out of the car. This isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

"I don't think I can do this. I'm scared." I told him honestly. I have never been in front of this much people and cameras before.

Stark squeezed my hand and smiled at me assuringly. "Don't worry. I'm here with you."

I breathed in nervously and got out of the car, clinging in his arm for support.

Cameras were flashing endlessly from all directions when we walked the red carpet. A female fashion reporter talked to Stark briefly asking if they could take a 360 shot of my gown.

He willingly let go of me so I can take a slow spin for the camera.

"You look stunning tonight, honey. Who are you wearing?" She asked me.

My head's slightly swimming overwhelmed by all the attention, but I quickly answered. "Alexander Vee. This is from his new collection." I beamed with pride remembering what Starcie taught me. I hope she and Luna would be proud of how I handled that.

"Fabuluous work, Alexander Vee! Best red gown of the night for sure!" She turned to the camera.

I turned crimson after hearing her said that. It feels a little awkward. Good thing Stark came to me and put my hand on his arm again so we can finally walk inside SBSTN Theatre.


Everybody who's anybody in the music industry is inside SBSTN Theatre tonight. From music legends, rockers, divas, pop royalties, directors and producers.

Some of them even have ramp models and celebrities as their dates. I suddenly felt out of place. Why am I even here?

"Looks like someone finally caught the elusive heart of our baby brother!"

Two Greek gods suddenly appeared and gave Stark a pat on the back. Stark just dismissed them and protectively put his hand around my waist.

"Whoa! Marking his territory! I like that, brother!" One of the Greek gods noticed what Stark did and joked about it. He even had to share it with the other Greek God. "You saw what Stark just did?" And both of them laughed.

It felt weird for me to witness all this.

"I'm Steve, by the way, the ogre's eldest brother." He turned to me, ignoring Stark's stance.

"Hello. I'm Sunshine." I replied shyly.

"And I'm Simon, the grinch's most handsome older brother. Welcome to the party. I hope you'd enjoy yourself, Sunshine."


So these are Steve and Simon. No wonder Starcie and Luna are going gaga over them. They're like matinee idols. Tall, well-built, gorgeous faces and all out self-confidence. When God handed out charm and sex appeal, these two were clearly first in line holding a huge bucket. If only Starcie and Luna were here.

We were then interrupted by what looks like Zeus himself all the way from Mount Olympus no less. He's like a carbon copy of the three Monteverde brothers, only way older. I figured this must be their grandfather.

"Hello. My name is Sebastian. I hope these three rascals are not troubling you, dear."

I shook my head and smiled at him. "You must be Don Sebastian. I'm Sunshine Isabelle Antonio. It's a pleasure meeting you, Sir."

"The pleasure is all mine." He took my right hand and gave it a kiss. So suave. The Monteverde brothers surely inherited their grandfather's mojo. The old man obviously still got it.

"Do you sing, Sunshine?" His question came out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know how to sing." I answered, confused. Where exactly did he get that question?

"So, do you want to become a singer?"

This is getting weirder by the moment. What kind of follow up question is that?

But I kept my composure and responded. "Maybe not in this lifetime, Sir. I want to become an artist, but a painter. Not a singer. I'm a Fine Arts major in McDermott." I don't know why I felt the need to introduce myself in detail but it just came out like that automatically.

He gave me a warm smile, seeming content and turned to Stark happily. "I like this girl for you. You've finally developed impeccable taste in women, son."

And he suddenly kissed me on both cheeks. "Enjoy the party, Miss Antonio."

He finally left us, with me still so confused after what seemed like a short interrogation.


"What's that all about?" I asked Stark curiously.

"Don't mind the old man. He's had too much to drink." He motioned me to an empty seat where Steve and Simon were already sitting.

"The old man's just making sure you're not dating Stark to become the next breakthrough artist of SBSTN." Simon told me casually when Stark left to get us drinks.

I raised an eyebrow clearly offended by what he just said.

"Don't get offended, Shine. He's just being protective of his grandson. Stark's last relationship was a disaster, and it almost broke him. So he had to do what he had to do."

"But that old bloke's the nicest man out there. Don't worry. He likes you." He winked at me.

I guess Simon didn't get my reaction. I was offended not because his grandfather thinks I'm using Stark to get a recording contract, but because he thinks I'm dating Stark. Hello! I'm not gonna date that arrogant beast.

"But I'm not dating Stark. I'm just his classmate." I said defensively.

"That's not how it looks like. You wouldn't be here if you're just a classmate." Steve said, unconvinced.

Stark finally got back, so I turned to him immediately. I need to clear my name.

"Hey, tell your brothers we're not dating!"

"Whatever." He sat beside me, sipping his wine.

Argh. He's starting to annoy me again.

"I said tell your brothers we're not dating!"

"Fine. We're not dating." Then he faced his brothers and said. "We got married already."

I saw my heart dropped to the floor.

"Wwh..what?!" The whole table went silent and looked at him first before turning all their attention to me. Their gaze then strangely shifted to my stomach. Feeling self-conscious, I suddenly put a protective hand over my stomach. Why are they looking at me like this?

Simon then asked me the most ridiculous question of the night. "Are you pregnant?"

I'm suddenly on the spotlight.

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