CHAPTER 23. His painful memories

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"Give me that!" A bratty little girl suddenly appeared beside me pointing to the watch I was wearing. She looked like a wicked witch to me, only she's quite tiny.

I covered my watch with my hand protectively and gave her a deathly stare.

I was inside a Kenji Callax showroom somewhere in Makati. My parents dragged me here with them so they can check the designer's new furniture collection for our beach house in Batangas. I was sitting on an oddly-looking rattan chair minding my own business, but my serenity was shattered by this imposing little witch.

"I said give me that!" She repeated threatening me with a glare. She looked really funny when she said that. I almost burst out laughing because of the over the top expression on her face.

"It's mine! Go away!" I shooed her like a stray dog.

I started walking outside the showroom, but she still pestered me by trailing behind me.

"Can you atleast show it to me then? I saw it was blinking earlier. Does it also glow in the dark? Where did you buy it? Do they have it in pink?" She started annoying me with lots of stupid questions.

"This is a Batman watch so obviously they won't have it in pink! You're stupid! Leave me alone!" I snapped at her. Little girls are really disgusting. Thank God I don't have a sister.

"Why are you so mean?!" She asked me, her small voice now trembling a bit like she's about to cry any second. Oh no! What do I do now?

I suddenly felt guilty.

"I'll show it to you, but stop following me around after. Okay?" I told her and extended my arm with the watch to show her, even clicking the button to make it blink.

"Whoa! That's like so cool! Can I try it on?" She asked me.

"Of course not!"

Why won't she leave me alone? I already showed it to her. This crazy brat is asking for too much.

"Please?" She begged and even held unto my arm.

I almost shrieked when she did that. I quickly pulled my arm away from her and brushed it off with my hand like it's gathered germs. It's so disgusting. I remember one of my classmates told me you'll get infected by a virus if a girl touches you for more than three seconds. I really hope I don't die today.

"No way!" I started running to cross the street and get away from her.

"Ouch!" I heard the little girl shout and then she started crying so loud.

When I looked back, I saw that she tried to run after me but slipped and fell face first. Just great. She's a pest and a klutz as well. Double whammy.

The little girl was lying in the middle of the road, crying like a lunatic. Her skirt rose up when she fell down and now her pink panty's showing. Can this girl get any more disgusting? I wanted to cover my eyes with my hands so I can't see her, but I realized that she might get hit by a car if she remained lying there. So I went back to her and asked her to get up.

"No! You're mean!" She screamed at me refusing to stand up.

I noticed her right knee's badly scratched and also bleeding. I pitied her. Damn. Why do I have a conscience?

Without a word, I fixed her skirt, scooped her up from the ground, and carried her on my back to get her to the safe side of the road. She was still crying, but good thing she did not protest.

"Take it. You can have it. Just stop crying. You look ugly when you cry." I handed her my watch.

Her eyes immediately sparkled and she wiped her tears with her hands. She tried to put the watch on her tiny arm but she can't lock the clasp on.

"Help me, please?" She extended her arm to my surprise.

Drat! This brat is really something. What did I do to deserve this?

I looked to the other side of the road and could see from the tall glass window that my parents were still busy marvelling on white cabinets inside.

When will this torture end? I was supposed to play basketball with my friends today.

I sighed in defeat and decided to get it over and done with. I helped the little witch lock the clasp on and she looked really happy with the watch I gave her.

"Thank you." She hugged me tighly to my surprise and I panicked in fear.


I was so shocked. My whole body felt so tensed. I've never been hugged by a girl before. I couldn't move, and I think my heart stopped beating already. Am I gonna die?

I closed my eyes, ready for death to come get me anytime soon, but I suddenly heard the sound of tires screeching and glasses breaking. I opened my eyes and saw a speeding car colliding directly to the furniture store entrance with an ear-splitting crash. My parents were standing right by the entrance of the store. My dad was hit and no longer moving. My mom's lying on the ground underneath the car's tire and so as another woman who looked like the same woman who entered the store earlier with this little girl hugging me. She must be her mom.

A man suddenly ran to the scene from the parking space and checked on the other woman. He was screaming and by the looks of it, the woman already died on the spot. But my mom started moving and calling my name.

"Stark! My son! Stark!" She cried. My mom's still alive, but she's trapped under one of the car's tires.

The man who was crying for the death of what seemed like his wife, heard my mom, and went to help her.

The driver of the speeding car managed to free himself from his seatbelt and got out of the wrecked car. He saw the man struggling to lift the tire off my mom, but instead of helping him, the driver sped off to escape from the scene quickly. He saw me looking at him but continued running away. I will never forget that face.

I tried to remove the little girl's hands off me so I can run to my mother and help the man, but before I could do so, the car exploded and my mother, my father, the man, the woman and the entire Kenji Callax showroom burst into flames. Everyone was trapped inside the store because the car was blocking the entrance.

I stood there frozen in fear, and tears started rushing against my cheeks. I wanted to scream so loud and ask for help but no voice was coming out of my mouth. I was helpless.

"What was that? What happened?" The little girl asked me, oblivious of the accident that just happened.

She was about to turn her head to see what happened, but I was quick to stop her from turning her head so she won't see. She can't see this. She'd be devastated.

"I wanna see! Stop holding my head!" She protested.

I did not listen to her and hugged her tight instead.

But she kicked my foot and next thing I know, she was already facing it and screaming at the top of her lungs, calling out for her mom and dad. She started sobbing at the horror of it all.

"Nooooooo!!!!! Mom!!! Dad!!!!!" She was supposed to run to the fire, but I pulled her by the arm to stop her.

"Let go!!!! I'm gonna go and help them! Let go!!! Let go!!!! Please!!!!!" She was kicking and punching me, begging me to let her go, but I did not let go. I couldn't.

She was crying and I was crying too. I held unto her tiny frame. She eventually gave up and hugged me back, still crying.

Both our parents were gone.

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