CHAPTER 8. Tortured feelings

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The past week was all about me trying everything I know to escape from Stark, but all my efforts failed miserably. Every attempt I made just ended up with me getting humiliated and trapped even further to this stupid deal I made with him. Whenever I try to get to class early so I can sit someplace else, I'd only end up being lifted by Stark and transferred to the seat next to his. It's so frustrating.

Word about Stark carrying me in class like we're a newly wed couple quickly spread like wildfire on campus. Yes, girls in McDermott generally hate me because of it. In fact, I would always hear them talking behind my back, saying the meanest things about me (mostly lies and made-up stories of course).

But most of my classmates (even professors) would go on a riot every time he does that. Just remembering the oohs and aahs they all let out whenever Stark carries me is still giving me the creeps.

Talk about ewww, yuck and gross. That pretty much sums it up.

"Oh, to be young and in love! You are such a sight, Mr. Monteverde. I wish my husband would show even half of that romantic side of yours." That's our starry-eyed professor in Social Studies, Mrs. Gatchalian sounding like a love struck teenager.

She turned to me. "You're very lucky, Ms. Antonio. You found yourself a fine young man."

That's the worst part of this whole deal (more like ordeal) with Stark. With the exception of Luna and Starcie, everybody in McDermott believes we're an actual couple and I hate it because this isn't what I signed up for. When I accepted the deal, I was thinking around the likes of me acting like a shield, a bodyguard or something so girls would back off and leave him alone. Just that and only that. Well, that escalated quickly. Before I could even blink, we're now a lovey dovey couple.

I even heard through the grapevine that Stark and I had a secret wedding in Hong Kong that's why we're acting like newly-weds.

Oh dear Lord! What will become of me? What if the love of my life Oliver Smith discovers all these? Dead Boy is sabotaging my fairytale! I want a divorce!

I really hate his guts. But I realized I'm an even bigger idiot for even thinking that I can escape from him. Whether I'm wide-awake or sleeping, there's just no getting away from Dead Boy.


"Get in."

It's only six in the morning. I purposely got out of the house earlier than usual today so I can get to school fast and avoid Stark but lo and behold, the beast is already outside our gate waiting for me.

Argh! He's always two steps ahead of me.

I pretended not to see him of course and continued walking to wait for a taxi.

"Get in." He repeated. I could hear a hint of impatience in his voice.

Am I finally getting to him? How I wish.

I live for the day when Stark Monteverde finally loses his patience with me and decides to leave me alone.

But with every step I'd make, he'd only drive a little bit so his car can block my way and me. How can I hail a taxi if this idiot's car is blocking me?

I took a deep breath and shot him a piercing look.

He just looked back at me like I'm the most boring person ever.

This guy's irritating ways are beyond me. I've had it! Why am I even trying?

"Fine, DB! I'll get inside your car, but you better stop driving like a racecar driver. You're not Michael Schumacher. And FYI, I want to live until I turn a hundred. So if you're on a suicide mission, leave me out of it please."

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