CHAPTER 30. Revenge

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I woke up and found myself already tied up in a chair. I looked around but can't still figure out where in the world I am right now. The walls of this tiny room are super white and there are mannequins, dress forms, and lots of fabrics all over the place. Then it dawned on me. Could it be? It can't be. My eyes dilated in shock when I finally realized who could be the person who abducted me.

No. He's way too nice to be capable of doing this. It's impossible. Why would he do this?


I almost had a heart attack when I heard the familiar heavy accent of Alexander Vee. It really is him. He's now standing in front of me, one hand on his waist and the other suspended in the air like he's carrying an invisible luxury bag or something.

"Are you surprised, my darling? Maybe you're so super shocked and confused right now or something. Like oh my gosh, why did this gay guy just kidnap me? What did I ever do to him? Am I right, Sunshine Isabelle Antonio?" He was smiling widely. He looks like a creep.

I stared at his sarcastic face. Still unable to say anything. He's right. Never did I think of him as my possible kidnapper. I was expecting Luna or Starcie since Stark clearly mentioned it's one of my girlfriends I should avoid. Not this guy. Not this guy at all. And why is he talking in straight sentences right now? I thought he couldn't pronounce the letter R?

So it's all a disguise. But why would he do this? I'm sure as hell I haven't met him before.

"What? Say something, you bitch!" Then he slapped me really hard on the face. It was so painful, my right cheek started stinging.

"Why are you doing this?" I kept a straight face. God knows how much I wanted to just break down and cry but my head is filled with so many questions. I need answers. I need to understand why I'm here. Was it the dress I destroyed at Jade's party? That would be really petty a reason for him to do something like this.

"Now we're talking. I thought cat got your tongue or something. Because you see, not saying anything when someone's talking to you is really rude. And I hate that. I hate that a lot. But you know what I love? I love looking at you while you suffer. So sorry darling for what I'm gonna do again." Then he slapped me the second time on my other cheek, only this one's twice as hard. I almost lost consciousness.

"What did I ever do to you? Why are you doing this?" I'm not gonna break down. I refuse to cry right now and look so weak in front of this psycho.

"Why why why. That's a good question." He said in his usual lala voice.

I'm losing it. My blood is already boiling for this guy. Whatever his stupid reason is, I don't think it's enough reason to do something as criminal as this.

"You little bitch have no idea what I have to go through just to be here. Just to have my revenge. I didn't have parents or any family to help me out. I had to work really hard just to get a name for myself to get into your pathetic circle, you bunch of stupid elites! I had to pretend to be someone else, learn to speak in a freaky accent just to get accepted."

"You're gonna pay. I swear on my mother and father's grave that I will make you and your filthy rich boyfriend pay for everything you did to my family! Your money won't be able to save you!" He screamed at me with nothing but rage in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything to your family! I don't even know you!" I screamed back.

"Yes you did. You piece of shit and that boyfriend of yours destroyed my whole family!" He was crying already but he went on explaining.

"Our mom was fighting for her life that day. She was just waiting for our dad to come to the hospital. I was with her holding her hand. But my dad didn't come because of you and that Monteverde guy. You and Stark should have just died along with your parents! My dad was put to jail because of you!"

"Because of what you and Stark did, I had to hold my mother's hand until she died. She died with a broken heart. She died in my bare hands and I was too young to experience all of that! You destroyed my life! You destroyed my younger sister's life! It was her birthday that day too!"

I couldn't bring myself to understand everything that he's trying to tell me. My parents died in a car accident. That I know. But I don't remember being there when it happened or anything involving Stark and Alexander's father. I was even more stunned hearing the last words he said. He just said he has a sister. Could it be either Luna or Starcie?

"Sister? You have a sister?" I asked him, confused.

"Don't give me that 'I-don't-fucking-remember-anything-from-my-past' front you've been giving us all this time. I don't buy any of it! Stop pretending, Shine!" I heard the familiar voice of a girl behind me and she too sounds super angry.

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