CHAPTER 11. The morning after

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I hugged my pillow and stretched my legs. I have never felt this refreshed. But how come my pillow feels so warm and oddly larger than usual? My bed also feels extremely hard against my back and it's as cold as concrete. Something obviously doesn't feel right. I guess I must be dreaming again.

My left hand curiously started exploring and feeling the "pillow" I'm hugging beside me. Wait. Are these muscles? Bare skin? Hair? Abs? And why am I touching full six-pack abs right now? What is this?

"Shit." I mumbled to myself.

Is this Stark's body I'm touching? Oh my God! I forgot that I've spent the entire night with him inside the library.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw his face just inches away from mine. My heart automatically started to pound like crazy when I saw that his eyes are looking straight at me. He's already awake as well.

I remained motionless, stuck in the moment. Too afraid to even make one move.

Gosh, those eyes should be illegal. They're unbelievably mesmerizing. And how on earth can someone manage to still look this hot so early in the morning?

"Your hands are inside my shirt." Stark said to me with his husky morning voice.

"Wwh..wh.. what?" I asked him, confused. Damn. I'm stammering again. I sounded so stupid.

"Just a few more inches lower and your hands will wake up what you don't want to wake up, MP." It almost sounded like a threat.

I looked down and realized to my horror that my hands are in fact inside his shirt and almost on top of his crotch. I immediately turned my back on him, closed my eyes and pretended to be dead.

"Please let me die now." I mumbled again.

I can hear Stark snickering behind me. I didn't realize I was thinking out loud.

I mustered enough courage and faced him again. "That wasn't on purpose. So don't get any wrong ideas."

The library's door suddenly swung open and both of us got up from the floor ready to get out.

"Shine? Are you here?" It's Luna and Starcie with one of the school guards.

"There they are!" Starcie finally spotted us.

"Why are you here?" I asked them.

"Hi Stark!" Both girls ignored my question and waved at Stark looking downright silly like a star struck fan.

Stark just nodded to them and quickly left us.

"I was asking you why you girls are here?" There's something really suspicious happening right now and my gut is telling me that these two witches had something to do with it.

"Let's talk later. C'mon!" Starcie and Luna dragged me outside with them before I could even protest.


We're already inside Luna's car on our way to their dorm. They said I can only come home around lunch time since that's what they told my Uncle, so I need to hang out with them for a while first.

"We've been trying to call you all night but your phone was switched off so we called your house. The maid said you're not yet home. So after thirty minutes when we still could not contact you, we called again and talked to your Uncle pretending to be you. We told him you had to stay overnight with us for a class presentation we're working on. He believed Luna."

"She's really so good at copying your voice. You should have heard her, she's hilarious."

Starcie said laughing as she recalled what they did.

"Wait a second, don't tell me you knew I was stuck inside the library with Stark!" I looked at both of them suspiciously.

Both girls suddenly went silent.

"You guys knew! And you didn't do anything to help me out?" This is betrayal at its finest indeed!

"Well we went there now to get you." Luna said innocently, sounding so proud.

"Actually we did come back for you last night. But when we saw from the window that you and Stark were having the time of your lives, we decided to leave you two alone. I swear you and Stark look amazing together!" She explained.

"So what if something happened last night?" I asked them to make them feel guilty.

"Actually Shine, that's the plan. We want something to happen between you two." Luna gave me a knowing look and winked at Starcie, who simply giggled to my annoyance.

"So did something happen? Did you kiss? Did you go all the way?" Starcie fired me lots of inappropriate questions.

I can't believe they set me up with Stark. I can't even. "You guys are really unbelievable! Oh good Lord! What did I do to deserve all these?"

Then Stark's gentle kiss on my forehead when I woke up from my bad dream flashbacked. I blushed just imagining him say "I'm here". It played on my head over and over. What's wrong with me?


"Maybe you two have been reincarnated or something. You're like connected by the Universe. That's the only explanation there is." Starcie said trying to make some sense out of my dream while stuffing popcorn inside her mouth.

We're inside their dorm room, which actually looks like one huge apartment. It has its own bathroom, living area and even a small kitchen. We're watching Romeo and Juliet right now in their 55-inched Smart TV. I forgot how gorgeous Leo DiCaprio looked in this movie.

"Are you sure you haven't met each other before you had the nightmares?" Luna asked me curiously.

"Positive. I've never seen him before that." I told Luna and Starcie, shaking my head, after giving it some thought.

Yes, I decided earlier to share the nightmare I've been having about Stark every night with Luna and Starcie praying that they won't think I've gone mad.

Fortunately, they seem to believe me and although they find everything really weird, at least they don't think I'm a mental case.

"I always wake up from the dream at 4:32 in the morning. It's the weirdest thing ever. I don't know what to do anymore." I buried my face on my hands feeling frustrated.

"Don't worry, Shine. We'll try to figure it out." Starcie hugged me when she noticed I'm already on the verge of crying.

"Let's just hope it's not a premonition of what's to come. Maybe your dreams are trying to warn you about something, so you could stop it from happening." What Luna said actually made some sense.

I hugged both of them. I can't believe they're taking me seriously. The sincerity of their concern for me is warming up my heart and for that I'm very grateful.

"Thank you so much for coming into my life. I may not agree with some of your ways but your friendship really means a lot to me." I told them sincerely.

I guess even if I don't end up gaining any news friends all throughout college, I'll be fine with it as long as I got these two wicked witches with me.

My phone finally opened up after charging and it started buzzing nonstop with missed call notifications.

Twelve were from Luna and Starcie while the other 32 missed calls were from an unknown number.

"Who could this be?"

"Maybe it's Stark." Starcie guessed.

"That's impossible. The calls were made last night when Stark and I were together. It's not Stark."

I called the number and a familiar voice of a boy answered from the other line immediately after the first ring.

"Shine? Hello baby. It's me..."

My heart stopped. He's back.

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