CHAPTER 26. Still yours

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I'm standing outside the hotel with Oliver's coat wrapped around my waist, feeling like a complete idiot. I've never felt so helpless and alone. If this is Jade's idea to get back at me for supposedly stealing Stark away from her, she is clearly winning by a mile.

This party was so far from what I had in mind earlier. Not even close. Everything that could go wrong just went unbelievably wrong in epic proportions for me. I just hope Alexander won't end up killing me after what I did to his beloved gown. It's not like I did it on purpose anyway.

I tried calling Stark's phone nonstop, but it's switched off. Where did he go? I could really use his help right now. The useless beast had to choose tonight of all nights to go missing. Argh! Note to self: "Kill Stark for ditching me like this."

And when I thought of finally calling my uncle to pick me up instead, my phone's battery amazingly died. Great. Can this night get any worse? I guess I'll have no choice but take a cab in this sorry state.

"Get in."

A blue Porsche Cayenne suddenly stopped in front of me, distracting me from self pity and my "Stark Monteverde Must Die" movement.

It's Oliver, and his timing couldn't be more perfect. Halleluah! I can't believe he has saved me atleast twice tonight. I swear I could kiss him right now.

I immediately scooted inside his car before any of the press people and photographers outside the hotel take notice. Or maybe before Oliver changes his mind about helping me.

"Thanks for literally saving my butt out there. You have no idea how relieved I am to see you." I told him sincerely.

"No problem." He said in a stern voice, not even looking at my direction.

I could sense he's still feeling mad at me and I couldn't help but feel irritated. I know. He's already helping me yet I have the gall to feel irritated? I guess this is what humiliation does to people. Who can blame me? I'm still bothered that he hasn't picked any of my calls after that scene in the orphanage's parking lot with Stark. I can't believe he really took it hard. He won't even give me time to explain why I had to do that.

"Is there anything wrong between us? Why are you being this way?" I finally blurted out. I couldn't help it.

"You tell me." Oliver just shrugged, dismissing what I said completely.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"We are talking." It's so clear that he's giving me an attitude.

"Oliver, please. Don't be like this." I sighed in resignation and just looked out of the window, keeping quiet. It's no use arguing with Oliver. Not when he's being like this. I know him so well. He automatically shuts down his system when he doesn't feel like talking. There's just no point.

It was the longest and most awkward ride back home ever. The car finally stopped in front of our house and I immediately opened the door to get out. Now I'm not sure anymore which was more suffocating, Jade's party or Oliver's company.

"Thanks." I still managed to utter audibly before I hurried to get out.

I suddenly felt him grabbing me by my wrist, stopping me from getting out of his car. I looked back at Oliver. He looked like he's in pain, and his eyes gave him away like wanting to tell me something but struggling to hold it back. I went back to my seat and held his hand gently.

"You can talk to me. You know that more than anyone." I assured him.

He breathed in deeply and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I reacted like that to you. For ignoring your calls and making you feel bad. I mean you chose that guy over me, Shine. Come on. You have no idea how that really hurt me. You made me look like an idiot back there."

"Oliver." I felt sorry for him. I didn't know what to say to make him feel better so I just decided to hug him as tight as I can. Maybe this will work. It has to work.

Fortunately, he hugged me right back and started caressing my hair, gently kissing my head. Yass! Never mind that I can hardly breathe from how tight he's hugging me right now. I can live with this.

"I'm just afraid to lose you, Shine. I don't know what I'd do if that happens. I can't compete with someone like that guy." Gosh, he's being cute.

"I understand. I'm sorry too, Oliver. But you shouldn't feel jealous. You know you have my heart." That last part felt a little forced but it just came out of my mouth like a rehearsed line.

"I know. You're still mine, right?" He asked, putting me on the spot. He's smiling at me, anticipating for the usual positive answer from me. And I don't know why the insides of my heart felt so heavy and guilty at the same time. A part of me flinched, protesting for some reason, but I managed to respond.

"Yes. Always."

Because that's what I've always felt since the beginning. And that's what I'm supposed to feel til the end.

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