CHAPTER 18. Prince of charm

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"Why are we only drawing princesses today? I don't want to draw a princess." A boy around seven years old stood up to complain.

"Yes! Boys can't draw princesses. That's totally unacceptable." One boy agreed.

"And unfair too!" Another boy stood up and even stomped his feet, ready to start a huge tantrum.

I didn't see this dilemma coming. The little girls are obviously having the time of their lives drawing their favorite Disney princesses, but all the boys remained seated, just staring with each other, refusing to draw anything.

"Okay. Settle down, kids. How about this? Maybe you can draw the princess' partner, prince charming instead? He's a boy. You can draw him." I smiled at them assuringly. I hope that should do it.

I heard someone laughing at the back. Stark was just sitting casually on one corner and watching me with a stupid smile on his face. He told me he'd help, but his presence is not helping at all. It's infuriating me. The best he can do now is just be invisible, and he just won't do it.

"How does he look like? I need to know so I can start. Can you describe prince charming?" The little boy asked me innocently and readied his pencil on the paper waiting for my description.

I cleared my throat and started thinking. These kids are quite a handful. They're really demanding. "Hmmmm... Prince Charming... He's tall. Well built. Expressive eyes. Long eyelashes. Beautiful nose. His smile is adorable. Very manly. Strong..." I got a little carried away describing prince charming.

"Are you really describing prince charming? Because it sounded like you're describing Kuya Stark right here." The boy interrupted my thoughts and even pointed at Stark. I immediately stared at Stark accusingly.

"Can we just draw Kuya Stark instead? He looks exactly like prince charming." One more boy hammered me with a question I didn't want to hear. I don't get boys at all.

"Do you think Kuya Stark is prince charming?"

"Do you have a crush on Kuya Stark?"

"Is Kuya Stark your boyfriend?"

"Did you guys kiss already?"

All the kids were shooting me endless questions and they were laughing at me. The girls even joined in and started singing. It's crazy.

"Shine and Stark sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

I turned crimson after hearing them. It's so embarrassing. I shot Stark an angry look, who is now laughing uncontrollably as well. He is obviously enjoying this moment. What an idiot.

I turned to the boys. "I'm not sure if drawing Stark is such a good idea, but feel free to draw whatever you like. Robots, cars, dinosaurs, dragons, spaceships. No limits."

They all clapped their hands in excitement and started working. Finally. Some peace and quiet.

I sat down contently as I waited for the kids to finish drawing. My head is feeling a little dizzy. I'm really hungry. Good thing they let go of the teasing.

I looked back to where Stark was sitting but he's no longer there.

"Useless. Irritating human being. Why did he have to come here?" I mumbled silently.

I was still deep in thought when I saw a plate with a huge slice of pepperoni pizza in front of me instantly. Where did this come from? Am I dreaming of food?

I looked up and saw Stark carrying two cups of drinks in his hands. "Not sure if you'd prefer orange or lemonade so I got both. Pick one. I'd drink the other one." He told me seriously.

"I'd take the lemonade. Thank you. But how about the ki..." Before I could finish my question, I noticed that all the kids are now eating their pizza happily.

I have no idea how he managed to do all that by himself, so I turned to Stark again who's now sitting beside me. "Thank you, DB."

"For what, MP?"

"For coming with me today. I'm really glad." I smiled at him.

He just shrugged as always and continued eating, but that was fine with me. I didn't mind also that he called me MP. I can let him get away with it just for today.

When my time with the kids ended, I looked for Sister Loraine but the coordinator told me she's out of town for a medical mission. I was very sad because I was actually looking forward to see her as well. I wanted to ask her a couple of questions regarding our last meeting.

Stark helped me carry all the boxes of art materials. We were walking to the parking lot when I heard someone calling my name.

"Shine!" I looked back and saw Oliver. My Oliver. My heart did a backflip. I really miss him.

He quickly ran to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I hugged him back.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?" I asked him.

"I went to your house. Your uncle told me you went here. You should have told me about this. I could have helped you out, you know." He told me but started eyeing Stark who was still standing beside me, like he's measuring a competition.

I immediately remembered that Stark was with me and introduced them both.

"Oliver, this is Stark. He's my f..."

"Her boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend." Stark quickly told Oliver and handed out his right hand for a handshake. He looked dead serious.

Oliver's face suddenly went dim, but instead of taking his handshake, he smirked smugly. "You must be kidding. Shine told me the other day that you're not dating. Right, baby?" He turned to me waiting for me to agree.

But I didn't know what to say. I was way too stunned to react. I've never been good at handling surprises.

"I... I... I am..." I stammered as always. I think I'll just aggravate the situation if I opened my mouth some more. What's wrong with me?

Stark put all the boxes at the back of his car and pulled my right hand so we can get inside his car. "Let's go, MP." He told me sternly.

But Oliver won't give me up just like that, so he grabbed my other arm and pulled me to him. "I don't think so. She's coming with me."

I was in the middle, motionless. Both my arms are starting to hurt from their  tight grips. Stuck in between Stark and Oliver who are now giving each other death stares. I can feel the tension building up even more and I wish I can just get away and escape. This is really awkward.

I looked at Oliver's face and then shifted my gaze back to Stark. But when I remembered what he did for me today and the kids who were so overjoyed, the choice became obvious.

"I'm sorry, Oliver. Please let go of my arm. I'll have to go with Stark. Let's just talk some other time. Please?" I pleaded to him sadly.

It would be unfair if I went with Oliver. I know I hate Stark but I owe him too much today to ditch him like this. All my things are already inside his car anyway.

Oliver's stare shot straight through me and I know that what I just said didn't sit well with him. But he did let go of my arm slowly. His hand leaving a red mark, which started to sting.

"I'm sorry." I told him sincerely.

But Oliver already turned his back on me and he's walking away not even looking back. I can't believe I just humiliated him like that.

Part of me wanted to cry and run to him, but what's done is done. I cannot take back what I already said.

Stark locked his hand on mine and pulled me to his car. He opened the door and I went inside without saying a word.

I hope Oliver can still forgive me for what I just did today.

"You want to watch a movie?" Stark suddenly asked me.

"Whatever." I didn't feel like talking to him right now. My chest is feeling heavy with pain and I don't think dealing with Stark would help at all. I want to wallow in my misery.

"Okay." Stark started the engine, even humming a happy tune. I hate this guy so much.

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