CHAPTER 20. Skank is back

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I took a deep breath. My heart's still racing from the bad dream. Yes, Stark just died again. As usual.

I closed my eyes and imagined hearing his heartbeat again while he was hugging me yesterday inside the car, convincing myself that he's still alive and that it was just nothing but a bad dream. It helped a little.

But the image of him slowly falling and losing life is slaughtering every inch of composure I have. It hurts me thinking that my dream could be real. Because how else can you explain its reoccurrence every night? How do I stop it from happening?

I got ready for school and finally got out of the house expecting to see his car outside our gate as usual. But it wasn't there. I waited for another thirty minutes. Maybe he's just late today, but there was no sign of him.

I boarded a taxi feeling a little worried. This is very unusual for him. He didn't even send me a text message like what he always does.

When I reached McDermott, I quickly scanned our classroom looking for him, but he's also not there. I fished for my phone inside my bag and started typing a message to ask him where on earth is he, but I decided against it. I don't want him to think that I'm worried. I don't want him to think that I actually care.

Our professor did not even call his name for the attendance. She didn't ask me as well. Maybe she already knows the reason why Stark is absent today. I fidgeted on my seat. It really feels weird now that he's not sitting beside me. I checked my phone for the last time. Still no messages.

I stayed behind when everybody left the classroom. I could hear people excitedly screaming outside, but I can't be bothered. I'm too worried for Stark. I have to call him.

"Idiot! Pick up!" I'm losing my patience. Stark won't pick up my call. I dialled for his number again, while scenes from my nightmare last night's playing inside my head. Why is he doing this to me? This is torture.


I was stunned to see the skank entering our classroom. What is Jade Dela Fuerte doing here in McDermott?

She then noticed that there was someone else sitting inside the classroom and she glowered at him, enough to make him stand up and leave immediately like a poor puppy. Gosh, she's really scary.

She quickly kicked the classsroom's door close and now I'm alone with her. I put down my phone. The other line is still ringing endlessly. I saw nothing but rage in her eyes. I seriously hope I don't die today.

"Where is Stark?" She asked me all of a sudden. Jade is now towering over me since I remained glued on my seat.

"I don't know." I answered briefly, trying my best to stop my voice from trembling.

"I've been trying to call him all day, but he's not picking up." She told me still looking angry.

"I've been doing the same thing. He didn't attend any of our classes today." I said obviously sounding worried.

"What kind of girlfriend are you? You don't know where he is and how he's doing? I can't believe Stark's choosing someone like you over me. Selfish bitch! He's well taken care of when we were together." She said in disgust, eyeing me from head to foot.

I wanted to roll my eyes but I stopped myself.

"What do you want from me?" I asked her instead. "If you came here to highlight each and every shortcoming I have as a human being, no need for that. You're above me. I pale in comparison to you. I'm just plain old me and you're The Jade Dela Fuerte."

"Now if you came here to fight, I'm sorry but I'm not one to engage in catfights. You obviously look like a classy princess yourself who can't be bothered with such barbaric acts. So what now?" I purposely emphasized the "classy princess" part to feed her ego. Maybe that should do the trick. I'm not ready to part with my hair follicles if she insisted on the catfight though.

She raised an eyebrow looking quite amused with what I just said. Her lips on a permanent pout as if ready for a close-up.

"Give me your phone." She suddenly demanded.

I handed her my phone. I really hope she doesn't throw it. My uncle just bought it three weeks back and it's a latest model.

She dialled a number on my phone and her phone started ringing on her other hand. She quickly tapped something on my phone and gave it back to me.

"In case your bird brain did not get it, I called my phone using yours so I can have your number. I saved mine on your phonebook as well."

She then fumbled inside her bag and took out a small fancy pink envelope.

"Take this. The theme is Victorian, so make sure you dress up accordingly. I don't want an eyesore on my party. Don't forget to take Stark with you." She said awkwardly and turned her back to leave.

Stark then opened the door and Jade and I were both shocked. Jade was quick to bounce back though.

"I've been calling you all day. Why weren't you picking up, love?" She asked him sweetly.

"We both know there's nothing for us to talk about. So stop calling me, Jade." Burn! Stark told her nonchalantly. That clearly must have hurt.

Jade looked at me instead, hurt's obviously registered on her eyes. I suddenly felt so sorry for her. I'm a girl as well and I know how hard it is to be in her shoes. Running after someone who couldn't care less about you. That takes a lot of courage. Unrequited love is the worst feeling ever.

"Remember what I told you." She told me with a warning tone and hurriedly left.

"Are you okay? Did she do something to you? Are you hurt?" He's firing me with so many questions, but all I could think of was how mean he reacted towards Jade.

"You didn't have to be so mean to her, you know?" I told him sadly.

"What? I'm asking you if you're alright. You've been calling me nonstop and when I heard from someone that Jade's with you, I rushed to get here. I thought she's hurting you or something." He really sounded worried.

"Jade's harmless. And like what I said, you didn't have to be so mean. Where were you all day anyway?" I asked him.

Stark dismissed what I said. He suddenly pulled me to him and hugged me. I was surprised, but for some strange reason, I suddenly felt the need to hug him back because the truth is, I'm so relieved to see him and to know that he is fine. I don't care anymore what he'd think. In fact, I don't care anymore what anyone would think.

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