CHAPTER 24. Weird friends

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I've been dialling Starcie's number for what felt like ages already. She has been MIA for almost a week now and I'm really starting to get so worried for her. After my umpteenth attempt she finally picked up my call.

"Hi Shine!" Her voice was extra cheerful, but I know something's up. I can feel the hint of sadness she's trying to cover up.

"Is everything okay with you? You've been gone a long time. Luna and I are really worried." I asked her.

"A death in the family. But don't worry, Shine. It's not really a big deal since he's not like an immediate family or anything, but still... You know... Family is still family. " Starcie responded, her voice cracking a bit.

"I'm very sorry for your loss. Oh my, I really wanna hug you right now. I feel so bad. I hope you'll feel better. Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I'm here for you." I didn't know what else to say to make Starcie feel better. I didn't expect something like this at all.

"Uhm, thanks I guess. Look Shine, I really have to go. Still have some things to sort out. Bye." She immediately hung up the phone before I could even say goodbye. I stared at my phone feeling a bit weirded out. I hope Starcie's really okay though.

"Look, it's not easy to get in their circle. They're Monteverdes. Don't be ridiculous! You know that! Stop telling me what to do. You remind me over and over about it like a broken record. It's so sickening! I know that more than anyone!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting from across the lobby of Fleur Hotel. I'm here to run some errands for my aunt.

"How can I forget when you're always reminding me? I'm on it! Can't you just trust me this time? I'm doing my best to get closer to their family. I told you it's not easy!"

When I checked on who was shouting, it was surprisingly Luna. She's clutching her phone tightly like it's gonna get crushed any minute and clenching her jaws as she listened to the person on the other end of the line. It looked pretty intense. I'm not sure but I thought I heard her say Monteverdes. Was she referring to Stark's family?

I waited for her discussion to be over before coming up to her to say hi.

"Hi Luna!" I greeted her.

She looked quite stunned when she saw me. All the colors on her face vanished instantly.

"Shine? What a surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you here. Why are you here?" Luna asked, obviously startled.

"Just had to run some errands for my aunt. How about you? Everything okay? You sounded so worked up with that phone call. What was that all about?"

"Oh that's nothing. Just my dad asking me about stupid things. You know, dads." She rolled her eyes looking bored and waved her hand dismissively.

"Right." I got the hint that she didn't want to discuss it any further so I decided to just leave it and told her that I managed to contact Starcie already.

"Really? That's so sad. I hope she feels better soon. She got me really worried also. Poor thing." Luna said after I told her what happened.

"Yeah. And she missed lots of classes too. I hope she goes back soon." I said. "By the way, are you doing anything now? I need to get a gift for Jade. Maybe you can help me out. I'm totally clueless."

"Sure. No problem! I could use a little shopping myself. This week is like one of the lamest weeks ever." Luna agreed. And just like that she's back to her normal self.

It was excruciating finding a gift for Jade. We've scoured each and every shop inside the mall but to no avail. First of all, what kind of gift do you give to someone you don't know, right? Second, she's one of the meanest people I've ever met. Lastly, she's a superstar, so it's quite a given she has everything already.

When we realized it's getting late already, we gave up and just decided to give her a fancy charmed bracelet. That will have to do. There's no point exhausting all our energy for Jade anyway. Plus, she made it so clear that all she wanted for her birthday is for Stark to attend her party. And that one I got covered already with a blue bow and tux to match from the house of Vee.

"Why did I agree to this torture? I didn't even get to buy anything for myself! I hate that Jade dela Fuerte girl even more!" Luna complained.

"Sorry, Luna. Let's just have dinner. My treat. You still love me, right?" I asked her playfully, batting my eyelashes at her like an innocent child.

"Just stop that cuteness, Sunshine Isabelle Antonio. You know I love you. Now feed me!" Luna demanded.

We chose to have dinner in a quiet Mexican restaurant inside the mall. We ordered chicken and tacos which we finished instantly.

That's one of the things Luna and I have in common: our huge appetite. No matter what we're going through, there's just no way we can lose our appetite. Good thing we're both blessed with fast metabolism.

"Have you asked Stark about that?" Luna suddenly asked me pointing to the Batman watch I was wearing as a pendant on my necklace.

I stared at the watch for a while and shook my head. I don't think I'd bother asking Stark about this old watch. It just looks so weird and stupid. For sure he'll think I've gone bonkers if I'd ask him.

"Why not? You're just gonna ask him if he remembers that watch. It's not a big deal, Shine. Just ask him if it's his." Luna explained like she managed to get inside my head or something.

"I don't know. It looks like a stupid thing to ask. A sane person won't buy what that reader said." I stammered, trying not to look at Luna. Because yes, a part of me was convinced but still, everything about it is just weird.

"You're still having the nightmares?" Luna asked.

I nodded sadly in response.

"I can't believe you're not doing anything to solve those nightmares you're having about him. Oh Shine, what would I do to you?" Luna reached for my hand and squeezed it lightly.

God knows how much I want for the nightmares to stop. It's beyond torture. I still don't understand why this is happening to me.

"Don't worry about me, Luna. I'm gonna be fine. I'll try to ask Stark about it. One of these days. I guess." I smiled at her assuringly. Although in my head I'm not so sure how I'd get around doing it.

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