Chapter 46

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chapter 46

“Zayn!” I shrieked, pulling away from him before running down the lane.

“Come back here!” He growled, chasing me down the street.

My maniacal laughter echoed around us as I continued running as far from him as possible. It was Christmas–and we’d decided to walk to his parent’s.

I must say, not one of my greater ideas. We’d been walking for nearly a half hour, the major roads being blocked by the Santa Claus parade, so we were forced to take another, much longer, route.

The sun was only beginning the descent from paradise, flaming clouds covering the sky. It was snowing heavily and my head was covered with snowflakes that were slowly melting away. My breath tethering up in my throat, I turned around and stopped running when I noticed he wasn’t chasing me anymore.

In fact, he was nowhere to be seen.

I frowned, the laughter stilling on my face. Looking around, I waited for Zayn to come running after me but he didn’t come.

“Zayn?” I called out tentatively. “Zayn? Where’d you go?”

My heart beat began accelerating as I broke into a cautious run, tracing my footsteps back to where he’d started teasing me. “Zayn!” I screamed, suddenly feeling alone and cold in the swallowing snow of the grey haven. “This isn’t funny! Where are you?”

Still, I heard no reply. Not a sound of snow crunching underneath his boots or his whistling laughter.

I began to get worried, realizing that he could be hurt. My body began hyperventilating as I ran all the way up to the street, screaming his name with nothing but sheer desperation when suddenly, I felt rough hands grabbing me quickly.

Spinning around, I saw Zayn lurking around under the shadows of the shops, a devious grin playing on his face as he caged me in between the brick building and his own body.

I punched him, my body shaking with anger. “You idiot! I was going mental–”

He laughed, trying to stop my flailing wrists with his hands.

“You think this is funny?”

“This is hilarious!”

“You are completely insane; I nearly had a heart attack! I can’t believe you–you find my pain humorous, you, you’re the worst kind of human ever, you’re not even human, you’re the devil–”

He leaned in to kiss me and I swatted his lips away, “Seriously, enough of this ‘let me see how bad I can scare Eliza’ crap! I have a weak heart, I don’t know why this is entertaining to you because it’s not to me–”

Zayn laughed harder, releasing me before resuming the walk to his parents’.

“Um, hello? I was in the middle of yelling at you–”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, mum.”

I stomped my feet in the snow like an angry and spoilt six year old. “Sometimes you make me wanna bang your head with a fucking pipe, Zayn.” I yelled.

He laughed, wiggling his bum at me.

Narrowing my eyes, I quickly swooped down and grabbed a fistful of snow before forming it into a sizeable snowball and throwing it at him.

“What the–hey!”

I laughed, walking past him as he picked the snow out of his butt pockets. Sticking out my tongue, I brushed my hair off my shoulder when suddenly – BOOM, I felt a pang in the back of my head.

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