The Birthday

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"Good morning bello." Damon said softly as my eyes fluttered open. I was blushing at the name he called me in Italian, which was beautiful.

"Buongiornio, il mio amore." I said, copying his Italian. (I said, 'Good morning, my love.). This brought a smile to his face and I couldn't help but give him one in return, but as the memories of yesterday slowly flew into my mind, the smile was gone. He furrowed his eyebrow, his hypnotizing, blue eyes were full of concern.

I'm guessing he read my mind to figure out what I was thinking about because he said, "You don't need to worry about Raina anymore, she's long gone."

"That's the problem." I said, looking down.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Damon's mouth fall open in shock when he figured out what I meant. He struggled to find words.

"How could we forget?! Now you'll be stuck like this forever! You'll always look like this! It's all my fault! I should've tried harder to get Raina to change you back! I should've known that the wolf could've bitten me! If only I ripped out its heart faster!" he yelled, putting his hands in front of his face out of frustration.

"Damon, calm down!" I yelled back, pulling his hands away so he could see my face. "None of this is your fault! I was the one who killed her! I should be the one to blame."

"But now you'll look like this forever." he said, giving me a cold, hard stare.

I sighed, not knowing what to say. I've already looked like this for most of my life, so what was the point in changing my appearance now? Maybe I'll just look like Elena and Katherine for my entire life, who cares? I know that a part of me still wonders what I actually look like, but I guess that part will have to stop wondering because I'm stuck like this forever.

"Everything happens for a reason. If I didn't get down there when I did and killed her, who knows what she could've done? She could've killed you. I'd rather look like this than forever lose you." I said softly, trying to make it seem like everything was okay.

He looked as if he was on the verge of crying. I put my hand up to his face, smoothing his furrowed eyebrows. He didn't look up at me.

"And maybe there might be some sort of counter-spell in one of the grimoires that could reverse this." I continued. He just nodded his head slightly. We laid in silence, each not knowing what to say.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? Looking like this forever?" Damon said suddenly.

I thought for a minute before answering. "Well, I've looked like this for 17 years now, and- "

"17 years?" he interrupted. "I forgot your birthday didn't I? I'm sorry!" he said, shaking his head.

I laughed. "No worries, today is my birthday. Don't feel bad, it's my fault for not telling you." I said as a smile slowly lit my face. I'm glad that we got off the previous topic because I didn't really know where I was going with that.

"Well then, buon compleanno, amore mio!" (happy birthday, my love!) He said with a smile as he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Grazie!" (thank you!) In a millisecond, Damon had his lips against mine. I'm already loving my birthday! I pulled away from him, needing to breathe.

"Stupid human lungs..." Damon muttered against my neck.

I giggled as his lips kissed my neck, tickling me.

"You wanna know what I love about kissing you?" he whispered softly into my ear. "When your heart skips a beat every time our lips touch."

I felt slightly embarrassed and I could feel my cheeks start to blush. He chuckled lightly, making his way back up to my lips, but before our lips could touch, someone came into the room and jumped onto the other side of the bed, next to me. I look back, behind me, to see Stefan casually laying beside me.

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