impediendum motum

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I wake up to Damon snoring quite loudly. It was only 7AM and I still wanted to sleep some more, but Damon was unbelievably loud. I groaned, grabbing my pillow and hitting him hard with it. His snoring ended and he groaned, rolling over to face me. He squinted to look at me, shielding his eyes from the sun that was streaming through the window.

"What did I do now?" he asked innocently, slightly irritated.

"You're telling me that you didn't know that you were snoring?!" I snapped, raising my voice. "I'm surprised you didn't wake yourself up!"

"Well, aren't you quite cheerful in the morning?" Damon smirked.

I gave him a look.

"Aha, I love you?" he said, touching my face.

I still glared at him.

"I'll make it up to you. I'll make you coffee?" he tried.

I couldn't help but smile at him. I shook my head, pulling his face closer to mine. He rolled over completely so he was now lying on me. He started to lean in when Caroline walked in.

"Oh gosh! Guys! Gross!" Caroline said, holding out a hand in front of her to block the sight of us.

Damon, who was definitely pissed off at her, was acting surprisingly calm. He was still on top of me, glaring at Caroline.

"What do you want, Barbie?"

"Bonnie wants you both downstairs. She's trying to undo the spell that Raina put on you and Stefan."

"Tell her we'll be there soon." I jumped in, not wanting Damon to think of any rude comebacks.

The blonde vampire walked out of the room, still pretending to be disgusted by Damon and I. She shut the door behind her.

"Well blondie just ruined the moment." Damon said, rolling off of me, back to his side of the bed. I could see the look of slight anger on his face. I laughed.

"What? Why are you laughing?!" He asked, I could feel the annoyance in his voice.

"I'm laughing at you! haha! You're so angry over Caroline just walking in. You gots tah' chill braaaa!" I said in the worst ghetto-accent ever, rolling on top of him. I straightened his eyebrows, which were furrowed up in anger, with my fingertips.

Without any warning, he flipped us over so my back was to the bed. He leaned in, gently kissing my lips. Gosh, he was just so perfect that I couldn't explain it in words.

As minutes of our time passed, I pulled away, breathing heavily.

"Damon, we should... be going... downstairs."

"Just 5 more minutes!" He whined, bringing my face up to his once more. I agreed, kissing him again.

*five amazingly, epic minutes later*

"Come on now, we really have to go." I said, pulling away from Damon. He groaned, rolling off of me.

I went to the bathroom, then changed into a pair of white jeans, a short-sleeved navy blue shirt, then threw a hoodie on over it. I brushed my hair out and examined myself in the mirror before meeting everyone downstairs.

"Good morning, Allie." Alaric said, sitting down at the kitchen counter with his breakfast.

I said my good morning's to everyone and started to make my way towards the table. Damon stopped me, kissing me on my forehead, handing me a cup of coffee. I kissed him on his cheek and sipped the piping, hot coffee. Mmm, vanilla creamer!

I ate my breakfast which consisted of Damon's coffee and some toast with eggs on the side. I was practically pulled by my arm from the table by Bonnie. She led me to the living room where Stefan and Damon sat on the floor, near a candle. Bonnie also sat on the floor, pulling my with her. We formed a circle, all facing the candle, joining hands. I held onto Damon's hand tightly, feeling slightly nervous about this spell. He squeezed my hand, sensing my fear, letting me know it was okay.

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