Run, Scream, DO SOMETHING!

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"I'm going to bed." I said, yawning. It was only 9:00pm, but I was tired from all that's happened today. I took Damon's arm off me and walked over to the stairs.

"I'll come with you." Damon said, starting to get up from the couch.

"Nah, it's okay. Stay down here, do some brotherly bonding." I gestured towards Stefan, who was watching TV.

"No! Damon wants Allie-time." Damon said, talking in third person. Stefan rolled his eyes.


Before I could even start walking, Damon had taken me into his arms, carrying me to his room. He looked down at me in his arms and smiled.

"You know, all of this isn't necessary." I said to him, smiling back.

"Too bad, you're gonna enjoy it while it lasts."

When we got into his room, he used his vampire speed to set me down on the bed, laying on top of me. I could smell his bourbon scented breath on my face. His hand was gently caressing my cheek. His icy, blue eyes were full of promise. It feels safe when I'm with him. He brings out a side of me that has never found love before. He softly kissed my lips, making my heart skip a beat. I guess he heard it because he started chuckling against my lips.

***Damon's Point Of View***

Allie's kisses were soft and innocent. She isn't scared of me at all. I'm a vampire, I kill people! I'm not the good brother! I'm the badass who isn't supposed to show feelings! I don't want her to get hurt by me. Whenever I promise that I won't hurt somebody, I end up doing the opposite. Thinking about this made me kiss her more. I had to stop, but I couldn't. She just smells so good.

She pulled back for a minute to breathe and I moved down to kiss her warm neck. It felt so soft against my lips. The smell was delicious. I felt myself vampire-up. Oh no. I was scraping my fangs against her neck and I couldn't pull away. Why wasn't she pulling away?!! She has to run, scream or do SOMETHING!!! She can't let me drink her blood!

With one sudden movement, I sunk my teeth into her neck. Great, just great. Now I really can't stop. Her blood tastes so sweet, sweeter than honey. It was tempting me to drain her of all her blood. The thought of that made me pull away.

"You need to scream. Now." I said, clenching my jaw, trying to hold back from drinking her blood again.

"Damon..." she said as I gave into the temptation and bit her again.

I pulled away again, I knew I couldn't hold back for long. "SCREAM NOW!"

When I went back to her neck for the third time, she let out a blood-curdling scream. "STEFAN!"

In less than two seconds, Stefan was in the room and then my world went black.

***Allie's Point Of View***

I saw Stefan jab a needle into Damon's shoulder, which knocked him out. Stef picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. I followed them to the basement into a room with a huge lock on the door. There was a lot of vervain in the left corner of the room. Stefan chained Damon to a wall and then walked out to stand next to me by the door. We stood there for a while, watching the knocked-out Damon. Right now, I didn't really know what to think. My vampire boyfriend had just lost control and... and bit me? It wasn't his fault, it's not who he is! He... he was... different. Oh gosh, I sound like Bella Swan falling for a dangerous vampire.

After a while, Stefan locked the door, trapping Damon inside. He gestured for me to follow him upstairs. When we were out of the basement, I honestly couldn't hold back tears anymore. Stefan pulled me into his arms as the warm tears soaked my face and his shirt. He gently soothed my hair, whispering comforting words into my ear.

"Shhh. It's okay." he soothed. I think he honestly didn't know what to say.

He led me up the stairs, stopping at the top step. "Are you going to be okay alone?" he said, moving a stray piece of hair out of my wet face.

I sniffled and looked up at him with teary eyes. "Stefan... I don't want to go back in that room." I said as another batch of tears flowed out of my eyes. He pulled me close and walked me to his room. From my blurry eyes, I could see that his room was different from Damon's. It was less roomy since he had other things like tables and desks in his room. It felt more comfortable. He picked me up, into his arms and set me down on his bed. He tucked me under the covers and then brought a chair next to the bed to sit on. He turned the chair to face me and he sat down, uncomfortably. He was so much different than Damon, who would have just slept in the bed, too. But right now, I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to be in Stefan's cradling embrace.

"Stefan, you can..." I didn't know how to tell him that he could come on the bed. "I don't want it to seem like I'm kicking you off of your own bed." I said, looking up to his  brown eyes. They were the kind of eyes that you could get lost in.

"Trust me, it doesn't seem like that at all." he said with a smile plastered upon his face.

"But you look uncomfortable." I said, getting irritated that he wasn't getting a hint.

"No, it's fine.. I'm alright here."

I sighed. "Stefan, I am asking you to come and lay here, next to me. I don't want to be alone. I want to just forget about all that's happened tonight. I want to be comforted by someone, anyone!" I said, very annoyed.

Without another word, Stefan was laying in the open space, next to me. He put an arm around me and held me close, my back was pressed against his bare chest. He hummed into my ear, just as Damon would.

"It's okay. That's not who he is. Damon would never hurt the people he loves. Something's terribly wrong." he whispered.

"I know. Do you think... Raina... has something to do with this? I mean, she surely hates you two. It could be a step in her plan." I whispered back, sounding concerned. I didn't want anything to happen to Damon or Stefan. I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself if either of them died. Well, they were already dead, but you know what I meant.

"It could be a possibility. We need to find out as soon as we can, but for right now, you need your sleep. We will try to figure out more tomorrow. Goodnight Al."

I sighed. "Goodnight Stefan."

And with that, we were silent. Stefan tightened his grip around my waist, pulling my closer. Stefan's arms made me feel comfortably safe, even more than Damon's. Stefan's the polite, bunny-drinking, good boy who loves me more than himself... while Damon is the cocky, blood-sucking, bad boy who also loves me. Everybody just needs to stop loving me! Gosh! 

[A/N: I think Allie might pull a 'katherine' on the Salvatore brothers! I need suggestions on what to do for the next few chapters! read, comment, vote! xoxo]

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