Periods and such...

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Let me tell you, life at the Salvatore Boarding House just keeps getting more and more awkward! Damon and I haven't spoke a word to one another since our argument. In fact, we were livid! We can't even stand to be in the same room! There has been multiple times where Damon had drank so much that he had dozed off on the couch in the living room. He would start babbling weird thoughts when he was drunk. He even talked a bit about Rose, a friend of his. She was bit by a werewolf, which is fatal to vampires like herself. She was getting weaker and weaker, unable to move, coughing up blood. Damon was completely torn when he had to put her out of her misery by staking her. It was for the best, he used to say. He actually cared about her, cried when she died. He was actually capable of having feelings. Wow.

Stefan, on the other hand, was trying hard to get me to smile. How could I after everything that's happened? He'd buy movies to curl up on the couch and watch. I never laugh at any of the comedies. I just sit there, like an emotionless brick. He would be so kind and sweet to me, sometimes he'd wrap his arms around me from behind at random times, whisper sweet words into my ear. He still thinks that we're together. To be honest, I don't want to hurt him. He is one of my best friends, I couldn't bare to lose him. So, I just continued to let him think I was his girlfriend.

This house is just too awkward for me. I need somewhere to stay for a while to get my mind off all of this. I didn't want to face my father. I feel too bad about yelling at him. All of this guilt about everything was eating me alive. I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep I was getting from how bad I feel. If I was a vampire, I would have definitely flipped my humanity switch! I can't deal with this!

It was early in the morning and I was laying in my bed, thinking about everything... all the guilt. I reached for my phone that was on the nightstand, searching through my contact list to find Elena's number. I touched her contact and my phone began to dial her number. I brought the phone up to my ear and listened. She answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" she asked sleepily. "Allie?"

"Hey, Elena... Sorry if I woke you."

"It's fine. What's wrong? What do you need?"

"Uhmm, I was kinda wondering... if maybe... I could... stay at your place for a week or two... It's just been getting very awkward here."

"Oh yeah, sure. Totally. You know that you're always welcome to stay here! Come over as soon as you can!"

"Oh gosh, thanks Elena! I'll be there soon! love you, bye!"

"Love you too. See you later. Bye!" she hung up.

I got up out of bed, stretching before making my way to my bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed into some bright orange shorts with a light pink tank top and some flats to match. I started to pack my clothes into a travel bag, getting all necessities that I needed. I packed enough for about 2 weeks. I grabbed my diary, sketch book and drawing utensils and I was ready to go.

When I got downstairs, Stefan and Damon were in the living room, tossing a football around and talking. They immediately stopped when neared the front door with my things.

"And where do you think you're going?" Damon asked protectively. I could tell that he was still pissed at me.

"To Elena's." I said simply, not wanting to talk to him. I quickly opened the door and scurried out before he could reply.

Once I got to my car, I opened the trunk and threw my things in there. I lifted my head from the trunk and met eye-to-eye with the brothers.

"Are you okay, Allie? Why did you pack to go to Elena's?" Stefan's concerned voice asked.

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