Loving It When You Blush

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I ran outside to see that Damon's car was still there. He must've ran. I looked around the area, searching for any sign of where Damon went. No luck.

I jumped into his car, putting the key into the ignition. The car roared to life and I floored it all the way back to the Boarding House. If I knew Damon well enough, he was probably blowing off some steam by drinking his sorrows away.

I burst into the living room of the house to Damon with an entire bottle of Vodka in his hand, laying on the couch. His shirt buttons were popped open and he was carelessly drinking, not even noticing that I came in. It looks to me that he was already drunk. Typical Damon.

I walked over to the couch, kneeling down beside the couch. At this time, Damon finally realized that I was here. He quickly glanced at me and then scoffed, averting his gaze.

"Damon, please just let me explain." I pleaded, taking his hand in mine.

"Why? Why should I even waste my time listening to you? You kissed him, Allie! You kissed him, knowing that you have a part of me inside of you!" he slurred, looking down to my stomach.

"It was to get her out of me!" I said, tears filling in my eyes.

"Who? Your imaginary friend?!" Damon spat, looking deeply into my eyes.

"She's this thing that's taking over my body! She forces me to do things and I have no choice but to do them! She's controlling my emotions, Damon! I thought you knew me better than that!" I said, the tears rolling freely down my face which was probably red.

"So you're trying to tell me that she kissed Stefan? Not you?" Damon said angrily as though he didn't believe me.

"Damon, she's in love with Stefan! He's her weakness! It was the only way to get her out of me. To shock her! She's gone right now, but I know she won't be gone forever!"

"Whatever." he simply said, turning his head away from me.

"Damon! You listen to me right now!" I yelled, turning his face to me. He seemed shocked, but I didn't care. "Don't you understand my love for you?! Don't you understand that no matter what happens, it will always be you?! You're the one that makes me feel the most alive, Damon! Believe me when I say I love you!"

By now I was an emotional wreck. I was sniffling like crazy and my tears won't stop falling.

"Please, Damon." I begged. "I love you, not Stefan. I already told him that."

I watched as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head before chugging down some more Vodka. I got up from my kneeling position on the ground starting to walk away when his hand firmly gripped my wrist. He tugged on it roughly, causing me to spin around and fall onto him. He shoved my lips onto his, kissing me slowly as if to savor me. I felt myself smile into the kiss, knowing it was the same for Damon.

He broke the kiss, caressing my face with his hands. His breath smelled highly of alcohol, but I didn't mind. I was just glad that he'd forgiven me.

"We'll get through this." he said softly after a while of looking around my face. "I'll have Bonnie look through some of her grimoires for a spell to get her out of you. Don't you worry."

"It's kind of hard not to worry. I mean, she could come back whenever she wants to." I said.

"She can't hurt you. I won't let her. I promise that I'll do everything that I can to help get her out of you. You know why? Because I love you." he said slowly before kissing me again, this time more passionately. I playfully bit his bottom lip, kissing him back with just as much energy. My stupid human lungs needed to breathe, so I pulled away, inhaling and exhaling heavily. I blushed a deep red as I just realized that I was still laying on top of him. I heard him chuckle from beneath me.

"I love it when you blush." he said with his velvety-smoth, sexy voice. This caused me to blush more as I looked up at his perfect face. His bottom lip was slightly swollen, probably from when I bit him. I kissed him once more, automatically pulling away when I felt a thump in my stomach. Damon must've felt it too because his grin stretched from ear to ear. He quickly sat us both up with me on his lap.

"My little princess kicked!" he gushed, putting a hand on my belly.

As if on cue to his touch, the baby kicked once more. We were laughing out of sheer joy, happy tears filling my eyes. Damon raised my shirt up, leaving a gently kiss where he felt the baby kick.

"I love you. So much." he whispered to it, kissing my belly once more. I smiled at him. Damon let all of his walls down, finally showing the world his true emotions. He was just happy.

Told ya I'd write a short chapter! Hope you like it. I can't stand when Damon and Allie are fighting, so I just ended it. DALLIE FTW! They're on the top of my OTP list!

Who ships Allie and Damon?

Does anyone still ship Allie and Stefan? Who knows? There might be some Stallie moments. ;) stay tuned.

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