Raina Golds

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The cab driver pulled up in front of a bakery. I'm guessing this is Raina's bakery, given the fact that the sign said 'Raina's Bakes'.

I opened the car door and hopped off of Damon who, once he got out, gripped my hand in his. We walked into the cramped little bakery and spotted a woman who looked to be in her early 50's. She was short and plump and had blonde-ish hair that was starting to grow grey at the roots. She was just finishing up working with a customer when she saw us. Fear has taken over her face. She raised her hands up towards Stefan and Damon. They both clutched their heads and fell to the floor in pain. I immediately got to the floor to help them.

"Damon! Stefan!" I screamed, holding both of them in my arms.

Damon gritted his teeth. "You... bitch!" he said, trying to get to his feet, but the pain wouldn't allow him to. She wasn't taking her eyes off of them.

"We just want to talk..." Stefan tried. "Compromise."

Damon's sigh of relief told me that Raina had stopped whatever she was doing to them. She walked over to the door, flipping the 'open' sign around, so now it says 'Sorry, we're closed'. She also locked it, not wanting anyone to disrupt our privacy.

"Ok, talk." she said, folding her arms across her chest.

"Look, we just want you to change Allie back to her original self." Damon said, a little rudely.

"And what makes you think that I would do that? You guys deserve to live with this as a punishment. When you and Stefan both fall in love with this Katherine look-a-like, it will tear you apart. You'll both do whatever it takes to protect her."

"Protect her from what?" Stef and Damon both said at the same time. Suddenly, someone was behind me with their arm against my neck, choking me.

"NO!" Stefan shouted, his fangs coming out. He flung himself over to the man that was choking me and tried to get him off of me. The man easily threw Stefan to the other side of the room, creating a hole in the wall. Damon tried to punch the man, but his fist kept hitting an invisible shield. Raina had put a spell on the man so that Damon and Stefan couldn't touch him.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe until the man put his wrist up to my mouth. I struggled to break free, but his grip grew tighter.

"Drink!" he commanded, as his vampire blood entered my system. I knew what this meant. If a human dies with vampire blood in their system, they will wake up, forced to become a vampire or die.

With a sudden gush of wind, the vampire was gone and Damon and Stefan were holding me in their arms. I was basically a Salvatore sandwich.

"Allie. Allie, look at me." Damon said with concern dripping from his words. I tried to keep my head steady although I was light-headed. "Allie, it's going to be okay. You're alive."

"Mmmh, Damon..." I whispered.

"Yes Allie?"

"I thought he was going to kill me." I said, starting to feel less dizzy.

Damon didn't say anything yet. All he did was hug me tighter in his arms. Then he put his finger to my chin, tilting my head to look up at him.

"I would never let that happen to you." he said seriously.

"I know."

"Okay, is this love story over yet? Oh gosh, I'm gagging over here!" Raina said. Out of anger, Damon dropped me and used his vampire speed to pin her against a wall, his hand around her neck.

"Now why the hell would you do that to her?!!" Damon shouted.

She struggled for breath as she croaked, "You'll see."

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