Hell Released

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Okay guys, you need to know that I'm truly sorry for making you guys wait this long! I have a lot to do because I don't leave school until 5:30PM and then I pretend I have a life from the time I get out to night. HA. Anyways, better late then never, right? If anyone's actually reading this, comment something nice :) or maybe a pick up line ;). haha, enjoy the chapter.

Thanks so much to





for reading my last post that wasn't exactly an update, but it was more of a personal story. Thanks so much for your advice and actually READING it. I know it was long, but I am so grateful for such amazing fans.

And thanks to everyone that reads and votes for this story. I am especially grateful to those who comment ^.^ you guys inspire me to write more. Thanks again. Xoxo high_on_vervain1129




The sudden bawl of Annabelle's tiny little cry pierced through the air. I don't know if it was motherly instinct or the fact that I was a vampire, but in less than a second, I was in the nursery, carefully lifting her out from her peach colored crib.

"Shh, Anna. It's okay, babe. Momma's here." I soothed just as I heard someone coming into the room.

"Why is she crying again?" Damon asked as he stood at my side, glancing into my arms. "Didn't she just go to sleep like two minutes ago?!"

"I don't know, Damon. She's been acting like this ever since we came back from the hospital. I'm starting to get worried." I frowned, rocking my bawling daughter in my arms.

"Here, let me see her." He said, plucking her from my arms and resting her on his shoulder, jumping lightly on his toes.

"Come on, Princess, stop crying now. Please. Daddy is sick of all of this crying!" He said through gritted teeth resulting in another loud scream from Anna.

"Damon!" I scolded. "Stop getting aggravated! You have to be patient with her!"

"Don't you think I've tried patience?! The kid will not stop!"

"Maybe we should take her to Meredith."

"What, do you think something is wrong with her?" He asked, calming down in the slightest.

"I'm not sure, but it couldn't hurt to check." I said as I took her from Damon's arms.

"Alright. Get them both ready. I'll go call Meredith."


*Elena's POV*

"Stefan!" I squealed as I tried to get myself out of his grip. He smiled into my hair, pulling me deeper into his arms.

"Good morning, Elena." He murmured, kissing my jawline.

"Mhmm. Good morning, Stefan," I smiled, cupping his face in my hands. I gently pulled his face down to mine, allowing our lips to touch. He smiled into the kiss, flipping himself onto me.

"What do you want to do today?" He said against my lips before continuing to kiss me.

"Hmm. Maybe we should just hang at the Boardinghouse. It's a lazy day."

"I'm up for it," he replied with a smile, kissing me again.

"You know what I'm up for?"

"Mhm, what is that?" He trailed down to my neck.

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