Mystic High

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I stepped outside, feeling the warm air kiss my face. It was the end of summer, almost fall. It was still a bit warm. I unchained my bike from the gate and rode to school. Luckily for me, school was only 3 miles away. As I rode, I thought about what I discovered. There were vampires in Mystic Falls. It gives me one more reason to hate this town.

I have a feeling that vampires killed my father. He already admitted that he knew too much. That's why he didn't want to tell me anything more. The cause of his death was an animal attack, but really, who is this town fooling? Not EVERYTHING can be explained by an animal attack! But that's what everyone believes. I'm surrounded by idiots!

I turn into the school and chain my bike up at the bike rack. The school was just so big compared to my previous school in Florida. There were even picnic tables set up outside, under the shade of the trees.

I guess now is when I'm supposed to get signed up. Where is that again? Is it the office? Or did my mother already register for me? Oh well, it never hurts to make sure.

I start walking towards the building. I start to feel paranoid that people are staring at me. I stop and look around. Nope, everyone's minding their own business, getting caught up with their friends. I start to walk again, but I'm stopped by someone. It was a man, he looked to be about 20 years old. He had amazingly dark hair and pale skin. He wore a black shirt under his black leather jacket with black pants. To be honest, he was very good-looking. Nah, he was freaking hot.

He smirked at me. "Hello Elena", the man said.

"Umm, hi, but I'm not Elena." I said with a confused look.

His smirk immediately left his face and he was angry. "Katherine?!", he asked.

"No, I'm Allie Somerhalder.", I said, wondering why this strange man thought I was Elena and Katherine. I've heard my dad talk about Katherine before. He believed that she was a vampire. Of course, which I didn't believe.

"Oh", he smirked again and then he winked at me. "Then I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore."

He clicked his tongue and winked at me again. "Well, I'll see you around some time, Allie."

"Bye", I said, smiling up at him. I glanced down at his hand to see a silver ring with lapis lazuli. Oh yeah, he was a vampire. He started to walk away before I stopped him.

"Don't think for one minute you can fool me. I know what you are. If you step out of line, I'll drive a stake through your heart myself." I said in a hushed voice.

"I'd like to see you try.", he said, staring at me intensely before he walked away.

Everyone thinks I don't know about the vampires, werewolves, witches and hybrids in this town. But trust me, I know a pretty good deal. I've grown up learning about these supernatural creatures. My father was actually a hunter, he was one of the five. No, he's not Sam or Dean, I know what you're thinking, he's just a regular dude. He just never got into details about risky topics. If I knew so much as a name of a certain supernatural, my life could be in danger. I was always stubborn about finding things out, but my dad would never put my life in danger. Especially with this.

I walk into the front office and there's a group of guys staring at me. One of the guys step in front of me, blocking my path.

"Elena, how about you ditch your boyfriend and meet me at the grill tonight at 8?", he said in a manly voice.

I pushed him out of my way. "Once again, I'm not this 'Elena' girl. Who is she anyway?!"

Before he could answer, I was already making my way up to the office. I lightly knocked on the door, not knowing what else to do, but quickly opened it before someone else did. There was a guy in the office, who I suspected was the principal. "Umm, hello", I said in a quiet voice.

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