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Guys I know nothing about the actual birth of a child, so you're gonna have to bear with me. I sorta just made things up.


*Stefan's POV*


"YOUR W-W-W?!" I stammered in surprise.

"Yes!" She cried happily, tears filling the corners of her eyes.

"Hold on tight." I warned before taking a very illegal U-turn.

She held onto the dashboard as her body swayed. I jammed my foot onto the pedal and zoomed off into the direction of the hospital.

We were there in under 3 minutes flat. I parked and practically ran out of the car, vamp speeding to Natalie's door. I opened it for her, offering a hand. Her face was twisted into a grimace of pain.

"Probably not a good idea..." I trailed off, letting my hand drop to the side.

She groaned as the pain grew. Without thinking, I lifted her into my arms and ran at a human pace towards the hospital. I burst through the doors and looked around.

"Doctor Meredith Fell anywhere?!" I asked with the groaning Natalie pressed against me.

"Over here!" the quite familiar voice of the doctor called. She beckoned me over and I jogged, trying my best to not induce any more pain on Nat.

"What wrong?" She asked as we scurried to her room.

"She went into labor. Her water broke."

"Are you having any contractions, Natalie?" Meredith turned a corner and opened the door to the room in the secluded hallway. Natalie tried her best to nod her head, but that got the point across.

"Lay her down there, Stefan." Meredith ordered, pointing to the hospital bed.

She wrapped some type of strap thing around her stomach. Hey, don't judge! I'm a guy! I know almost nothing about this!

"Breathe, Nat. Breathe. In, out. In, out. That's perfect." Meredith coaxed. "Just like that."

Natalie's breathing calmed and she didn't look to be in as much pain anymore. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

"Okay, what I'm going to have you do is bend your knees. Legs apart."

Oh my god.

I turned on my heels, ready to walk out when I heard it. It was very soft. A human wouldn't have been able to hear it. It was the quiet whimper of my name coming from Natalie's mouth.

I turned around to face her, her wet eyes were locked with mine. She had almost a pleading look. I strode towards her.

"Be with me, please." She whimpered, blinking slowly.

I smiled without meaning to. Like, it was natural. I took her hand in mine, trying not to wince as she squeezed it like it might dissolve. She was in some pain...

"Natalie, push on three, okay?" Meredith ordered.

Natalie nodded.

"One, two, three. Push!"

She crushed my hand in hers, causing sickening cracks to come from my bones. It's a good thing I heal quickly. Still hurts like a bitch though.

"Great. One more time. One, two, three..."



*Allie's POV*

I looked around at the wrecked living room. Books were scattered across the floor, crumbles of wall and ceiling dusted the ground. Everything was calm. All that was heard was the sounds of our breathing.

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