Breaking News

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I awaken to the smell of coffee being brewed from the kitchen downstairs. I rise out of bed and try to limp towards the window. The darkness of my room caused me to accidentally hit my foot at the edge of my dresser.

"Ahh" I whimpered and continued my limped struggle to the window, being more mindful of my surroundings. When I got there, I grabbed the curtains with both hands and flew them open in a dramatic way like one of those coffee commercial clichés. The bright, warm sunlight penetrated into my room lighting the peach-colored walls. My eyes went blind for a few seconds from the phosphorescent light.

I stretched out and started to get ready for high school. It was my first day at "Mystic High" and I admit, I'm nervous. My mom and I had just moved up from Florida. My mom travels a lot for business, which means I have to also travel with her. Because of all of this, I have no friends. Every time I start to make a friendship, we end up moving again. My mother promised me that we will stay in Mystic Falls for quite a while, but I still feel a bit skeptical.

I style my dark brown hair in its usual up do, a high, tight ponytail. I got used to this hairstyle from being a cheerleader at my previous high school. To be honest, I really didn't want to be a cheerleader. My mom insisted that I try out. I just hope that there's no cheerleading at Mystic High.

When I get downstairs, my mother is straightening out her files. She was a naturally-born Neat Freak.

"G'morning Mom!", I say, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning Allie", my mother said, not looking up from her work.

"Breaking news", the news reporter said. "The mysterious animal attacks continue to progress in Mystic Falls as witnesses tell us what they saw."

The camera was put on a hyperventilating woman who looks to be in her thirties.

"My hus-husband and-and I w-w-went to the la-lake... he pro-proposed a-and then this... this thing came and t-took him...", the woman said, stuttering and shaking.

"Ma'am, did you see what took him?", the reporter asked.

"It was an animal", the woman said in a slightly different voice than before. Her voice had no emotion and she looked as if she was being hypnotized into saying what she said. There was just something wrong with the way she was acting. Then the thought hit me.

I ran upstairs into my room and grabbed a book from my bookshelf. I flipped to the very last page, wide-eyed in shock.

"Supernatural Compulsion- normally caused by vampires, the act of compelling someone to do as they say. Signs of compulsion consists of cut-off emotions until the human obeys the vampire's orders.", the book read. I know I shouldn't believe in this stuff, but this played a part in my father's death. He told me things about vampires and werewolves. These things were very important to him. He took them very seriously. My mother doesn't like me talking about them though. So my father never told me about them when she was around. When he does tell me things, he tells me only a little bit. He says that it's too much of a risk and that he doesn't want me in danger. He gave me this book before he died.

"There are vampires in Mystic Falls", I said under my breath.

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