Just... Addressing Some Complications

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Short chapter, Stefan's love revealed.. kinda. COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN! THANKS!

Special thanks to @Lanabug1864 for always commenting and voting for my story! I really love reading your comments! They make me so happy! haha, anyways enjoy!

"Wakey, wakey, Sleeping Beauty." a sweet voice said into my ear.

"Damon?" I asked, laying on my side and burying my face into his chest. "You stayed with me all night?"

"Of course I did. What kind of partner would I be to leave you here, in the hospital, all alone?"

I laughed softly, putting an arm around his waist and snuggling in closer to his side. His fingers were running through my hair, untangling it. The feeling was oddly comfortable.

"Aww, look at the happy couple." a duplicate of my voice said, causing our heads to snap up, looking towards the door.

Oh, if it isn't the Stefan Lover." Damon smirked, wagging his eyebrows up and down.

"Ass." she spat.

"Hey, Nat, what are you doing here?"

"Just addressing some... complications."

I gave her a confused look and so did Damon.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked, pulling him and I up into a sitting position. Natalie walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed, in front of us.

"Alright, I really don't care enough to break this easily to you, so I'm just going to spit it out. Since my kids are a duplicate of your kids, that means my kids will lookd like Damon and that's not okay." she stated, looking bored.

I glanced to Damon, who was staring up in thought. After about a second, he snapped back into reality, shddering.

"So your kids... are basically my kids?" he said as a statement rather than a question.

"Yep." she said, popping the 'p'.

"Oh, FU-- " he groaned, throwing his head back in frustration.

"Damon, relax. It's not that big of a deal." I soothed.

"Not that big of a deal? Allie, I'm technically a father of four children, two of which aren't supposed to be mine." he said, trying to keep his cool. I could tell that he was about to lose it.

"Isn't there some kind of spell in the grimoires?" I suggested, looking warily to Natalie.

"A spell to do what? What could a spell do? It can't change the fact that my babies are are made by Damon." Natalie pointed out. I sighed, resting my back against Damon's chest.

"I remember seeing a spell that could change their looks..." I trailed off.

"So you want me to cast spells on my children?!" she growled. "How would I make them look, anyway?"

"I don't know! Maybe Ste-- "

"Don't you dare say it, Allie. Stefan woul dnever agree to that! Yeah, I'll just go up to him like, 'Hey Stefan, would you mind if I bewitched my babies to look like you? Because obviously I have hopeless, undying love for you-- "

"Natalie..." I warned. But she ignored my little gesture.

"And while we're at it, I can tell you all about how I just want to rip your clothes-- "

"I think you should stop." Damon winced, trying to save her, but she continued to ramble on.

After a few more seconds of her very detailed thoughts of Stefan, she finally realized that we weren't quite looking at her, but behind her. She whipped herself around, her hair lashing the sides of her face. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped in the slightest as she took in the sight before her.

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