Chapter 1

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When we got the call of the urgent meeting from management, Harry isn't with us so we just thought he would meet us there but when we arrive they tell us Harry could not be informed of this. We send each other worried looks but sit down anyways.

"So boys, we've brought you here because we need to talk about something important."

"Why isn't Harry here then?" Liam asked

"He isn't here because it concerns Harry's behavior lately." No one answers. We knew this would come.

"You boys have noticed he's not the same anymore. We need to change things." Okay it is true, Harry almost never smiles anymore, sometimes sending forced ones to fans but that was usually all of it. He never talks to us either, every time we ask him what's wrong he'd just leave the room. He usually ended up somewhere drunk too. It made the news a lot and people are getting worried.

"What can we do? It'll just pass; it's probably just a phase." I say not quite believing what I'm saying

"Louis we all know that's not true." I sigh but motion for them to keep talking.
"We have an idea, we need him to be happy and we think we might know how." They all turn their eyes on me and I look at the lads who are as confused as I am. They then hand us all a stack of papers. No it isn't just the normal thing, it's a contract. I don't like where this is going. I read it and my eyes go wide. I slam it on the table and get up, fuming with rage.

"I am not doing this! You are insane he is my best mate!" The three lads get up too and they are as angry as I am. We couldn't go along with this, it would ruin our band, our friendship with Harry.

"Louis you have to think about what it could do for the band"

"We know Harry isn't well but it will pass! He will get better and none of this needs to happen"

"Sign it Louis"

"I wont do it"

"You have to"


"Don't be ridiculous Louis just sign the contract"

"I'm not doing this and you can't force me."

"You're acting like a child Louis. It's for the best interest of the band, he can't keep going like that you will lose all your fans." I stop right there and look at my management. They are staring at me with certainty in their eyes. I look back at the 3 other lads at the meeting for their help. They are speechless. I can see none of them approve of this plan but maybe, they thought, maybe Modest was right. I can tell there's a small sign of doubt in their eyes and that was all Modes needed. I run nth and through my hair in exasperation, I don't want to do this to my best mate. Harry. The cheeky boy who always makes me smile and is always there for me, smiling with his dimple and sparkling green eyes. But he hasn't been that boy in a while and I know it.

"Tell us, how is that supposed to make Harry better? If he's already not well emotionally... why the last part?" Zayn tries to ask not sure how to say it but they understand what he means.

"Because we think it will wake him up. Make him understand that he can't keep going like that and it's a mistake. And in the end, it could make great publicity for the band."

I read it again, my mind still spinning. I feel like the font is getting bigger each time I look at it.

Make Harry Styles fall in love with you

Break his heart.

The last line, I'm stuck on it. How can I do that? My best mate I can't possibly agree. Neither of us are gay also how could it work? It will never work. I look back at the three boys but none of them would meet my eyes. I stare back down at the paper in front of me and make the stupidest decision of my life. I pick up the pen and I sign it.


The Heartbreaker (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now