Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V

I have no idea where I am. Am I even going in the right direction? Ha there's only one direction... wow that's so lame I really am so bored I'm making jokes with myself. I look back at the sea and the dark clouds seem to be getting closer. I hear thunder and see lightning far and I'm a bit scared but right now I just need to find my way back to the house. All alone now and lost I do wish the boys were here with me. It starts raining a lot, pouring really and I walk faster but I can't see where I am going. I think there is a house in front of me and I don't hesitate I walk up the steps and knock at the door. Someone opens the door and lets me inside and right when I get in I collapse and everything goes dark.

I wake up and groan. Ouch my head hurts. I just remember collapsing after getting into the house which I am hoping was mine and the lads' but it doesn't smell familiar. I open my eyes and find myself lying on a couch, a glass of water beside me and I take it and drink it with pleasure. The cold water feels good down my throat and I look around to see who's house did I knock at. I see an old man, about 60 years old in the kitchen making what seems like eggs and my stomach growls. I am starving, I get up and he sees me approach.

"Ah you're finally awake, are you alright son?" He seems to have what seems like an American Texas accent. What?

"I am thank you sir you basically saved me. My name's Harry Styles." I hold out my hand and he shakes it.

"Johnson's the name. So what were you doing out in such a bad weather?"

"I am at a beach house with my friends close by and I kind of got lost." I admit nervously fixing my curls.

"Beach house huh? The closest one is maybe about three miles from here."

"That's probably the one then sir."

"You were going the right way you probably just got caught in the storm. By the way that is a damn nice beach house, you and your friends rich?" I smile a bit at his question, he clearly has no idea who I am and it works for me.

"Yeah I guess you could say that" I smile a bit replying and he just shrugs.
"Alright well I should get going thank you for all your help sir Johnson" I say to him and I'm about to leave when he stops me

"Hey son why don't you stay a bit maybe the night you did hit your head pretty hard I don't feel comfortable letting you go walk and all. At least eat a bit. I am making some eggs and you can't really walk with an empty stomach what do you say?" He seems nice enough so I accept and he tells me about his life throughout the meal. Turns out his wife died a couple years ago so he moved here to retire and leave all the bad memories behind. I finally make my way to leave and thank him again. I don't really want to stay the night in a stranger's house even though he seems nice enough.

I walk for about half an hour and it is now dark out, it has stopped raining but it is still quite cloudy so I still can't see the stars. There is still a strong wind out but nothing else. At last I see the house and a fire outside. Seems like the boys are making another bonfire but I don't hear them singing, yelling actually. I think it's Louis and Liam, what is going on? I get closer but they still don't notice me.

"Alright Liam it's been long enough I have to go look for him now!" Louis is saying and he seems pretty angry.

"Lou it's too dark out we'll all go in the morning, you're not the only one worried about him but I am also thinking of us all." Are they talking about me? I haven't really thought about it if they were worried or not... I am guessing Louis wants to go look for me but Liam is saying they should wait until morning. Wait that means Louis still cares? He still wants to see me? My heart gets filled with a bit of hope and I smile a bit.

"Liam the storm is now done you said I had to wait until then I am going now he's been gone all day something could have happened!" Louis is really angry and I think now is time that I make myself visible.

"Hey guys..." I say getting up the stairs and they all turn around

"Harry!" Niall exclaims and smiles as he sees I am okay

"Harry?" Louis looks at me and I nod and he runs to me and hugs me tightly. This time though I hug back, maybe there is hope?

"Where were you I was so worried?" He exclaims when I let go

"Well I kind of got lost on the beach and caught in the storm so I stopped at some nice old guy's house couple miles down and he showed me the way back here." I admit

"HA! Louis I told you!" Liam comes behind Louis

"Shut up Payne" Louis tells him and we all laugh.

We go sit around the fire and make marshmallows. Niall forgot his for a bit and when he took it back it was completely on fire and he screamed and threw it on the beach. We laugh at him while he pouts and Zayn gives him his to make him smile again. I look at Louis and he sends me a small smile and also mouths a later to me. I nod slowly but I am exhausted so tonight I am only going to sleep. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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